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Q: Where are the strongest wild Pokemon in sapphire?
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What is the strongest flying move in Pokemon Sapphire?

The Strongest flying move in Pokemon Sapphire is 'Sky Attack'5PP140 Attack90 Accuracy

What are the strongest Pokemon in Pokemons Sapphire?

kyogre, raquaza, regice, registeel, regirock,

Where are the strongest Pokemon in the Pokemon safari on Pokemon Sapphire?

The strongest Pokemon Sapphire in the safari zone are Heracross, North east, Dodrio North West,Lairon North West,Pinsar North West,Pikachu North East and North west, Chansey you can find everywhare.

Where in Pokemon Sapphire do you get uknow?

you can not obtain the unown anywhere in the wild in Pokemon Sapphire. the only way is to trade it from Firered or Leafgreen

Where can you find sedat in Pokemon sapphire?

Seedot can't be caught in the wild in Pokemon Sapphire. You must trade it from Ruby or Emerald.

What does a white flute do in Pokemon sapphire?

Increases wild pokemon encounter rate

Where Can you Find Wailord in Pokemon Sapphire?

Wailord is an immense Water type Pokemon. It can be encountered in the wild in Pokemon Sapphire while Surfing on Route 129.

How do you catch a wild mudkip in Pokemon sapphire?

u dont

How do you get a bedew egg in sapphire?

Budew cannot be found as an Egg nor in the wild in Pokemon Sapphire. This Pokemon only existed in Generation IV and up.

How do you get sableye in Pokemon pearl?

To get Sableye in Pokemon Pearl you will need a copy of Pokemon Sapphire. Insert Pokemon Sapphire into the GBA slot of the DS and turn it on. When you load into Pokemon Pearl wild Sableye should start appearing at Iron Island as long as Pokemon Sapphire is in the GBA slot.

Pokemon diamond wild level 100's?

The strongest wild is heatran Lv.70,Garatina Lv.70,Regigagis Lv.70,and the strongest Acreus the god of all Pokemon at Lv.80.These are the strongest Wilds but they are all ledgendaries.

Where is houndor on Pokemon alpha Sapphire?

Houndour can be obtained by trading from Pokemon X or Y. It cannot be caught in the wild in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.