In Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver, you'll first see Steven Stone as you exit out the Pokémon Fan Club after you have gotten the Clefairy Doll from the guy there. Next you'll see him by the counter in Silph Co. and he'll be asking you which stone choice you want, Red Stone, Blue Stone or Green Stone. Each stone represents 1 of Professor Birch's Starter Pokémon in the Hoenn region, Red Stone for Torchic, Blue Stone for Mudkip and Green Stone for Treecko. Next you'll see Steven in the Pewter Museum in Pewter City. After talking to him there he'll be back in Silph Co. near the entrance and he'll be offering a trade.
is he anywhere else?
-rockin ricky
put it on my personal page please.
You don't really see much of Steven until you go to Kanto. He will come up to you upon exiting the Pokemon fan club house, telling you that Latias(HG) or Latios(SS) is roaming the region. After you defeat Red at Mt. Silver, you can see Steven at the Silph Co. and he will give you the Hoenn starter of your choice.
he is at mt silver after you beat red 10 times
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Watts are associated with the exclusive Pokewalker. Every twenty steps you take make one Watt, and once you get a certain number of Watts you can unlock new places. The Pokewalker is exclusive to HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Nope you do not have the option to turn off Pokémon following you in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver. If you go into Professor Elm's lab, a small house, a small area with a big Pokémon then it can't go in so you won't have a Pokémon following you in those places and if you start the game you won't have a Pokémon so that is the time and places Pokemon can't follow you, also Pokémon won't follow you while you're riding your bike.
the places vary. check the radio to find out which Pokemon is appearing where.
go to the radio on wedsdays and got to the places where the poke dex says hoenn pokemons are
You sure can! There are 2 places: in the grass outside of the power plant after you beat the elite 4.. or in the safar izone.
I think you mean Ursaring. Donphan is only in HeartGold, same places you find Ursaring in SoulSilver.
There is no such place as Foggy Valley in Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver, therefore you cannot get to these places.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver are set in the same places - both being able to explore Johto, Kanto and a very small area close to Sinnoh. These two games are also likely to be sold in the same place. If they are not, it is possible one was sold out before the other, or one will be coming soon.
Some Hoenn pokemon can be found in the tall grass in certain places, but there is another way- You will need a nintendo ds lite/original ds, and another ds (i use a 3ds and a ds lite)you will also need pokemon white, soulsilver/heartgold, and sapphire/ruby. Put your soulsilver/heartgold game in slot one, and sapphire/ruby in your original/lite ds. Turn on your soulsilver/heartgold game and transfer your hoenn pokemon from sapphire/ruby to soulsilver/heartgold using the pal park. Then save and reboot your original/lite ds and go to download play. Put your pokemon white game in your second ds and go to the poke transfer lab, talk to the guy at the end of the building, he will tell you how to do the rest.
Watts are associated with the exclusive Pokewalker. Every twenty steps you take make one Watt, and once you get a certain number of Watts you can unlock new places. The Pokewalker is exclusive to HeartGold and SoulSilver.
This question can only be answered by yourself. The difference is the Pokémon that appears at certain places and at wich rate. It depends of what Pokémon you want to catch.
Nope you do not have the option to turn off Pokémon following you in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver. If you go into Professor Elm's lab, a small house, a small area with a big Pokémon then it can't go in so you won't have a Pokémon following you in those places and if you start the game you won't have a Pokémon so that is the time and places Pokemon can't follow you, also Pokémon won't follow you while you're riding your bike.
The occasional swarm makes Magnemite available in front of Fuego Ironworks for Diamond. It can be regularly found there or other places in Platinum, or traded from Heartgold and Soulsilver.
yes at places that seem haunted
use rods or surf.
in every Pokemon centre and some other places as well
the places vary. check the radio to find out which Pokemon is appearing where.