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You sure can! There are 2 places: in the grass outside of the power plant after you beat the elite 4.. or in the safar izone.

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Q: Can you get the electubuzz on Pokemon HeartGold?
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How does electubuzz evolve on Pokemon SoulSilver?

Electabuzz > trade with electrizer > Electivire

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You can't there are some Pokemon that you can't get on leaf green for example LG can get Magmar FR you get Electbuzz

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There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.

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i would say electubuzz,magmar,riolu,pikachu,charmelion,watotle,or iyvasaur

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They are not in Pokemon HeartGold

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No, but you can trade Pokemon only in HeartGold to Black

How do you battel Cynthia in Pokemon HeartGold?

That is impossible in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.