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Technically,yes you can get Arceus in Pokemon Heartgold,but only by trading it to your Pokemon Heartgold game from Pokemon diamond,pearl or platinum.

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Q: Can you get Arceus in HeartGold?
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How do you get an Arceus in Pokemon HeartGold Read more httpwikianswerscomQHow do you get an Arceus in Pokemon HeartGold?

You dont get Arceus in HeartGold. You need to trade one from another HeartGold or SoulSilver or trade one from the Sinnoh region games. WARNIG: IF YOU HAVE AN ARCEUS ON BLACK OR WHITE YOU CAN NOT TRADE IT BACK TO THE JOHTO OR SINNOH GAMES.

Can you catch arceus in heartgold?


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When is the Arceus event in Pokemon HeartGold?

There isn't a date for the Arceus Event in Pokemon HeartGold (unless you mean the event where you get Arceus). When you send over any Arceus into your HeartGold game, the event is activated. You'll have to go to the Ruins of Alph in order to do the event.

Is Arceus in Pokemon HeartGold?

No, you have to get arceus either from an event or from a gameshark cheat :(

How do you find Arceus on heartgold?

no you can't

Where is Arceus in HeartGold?

Arceus is not available in HeartGold. Arceus is an event Pokemon, and cannot be found naturally in the wild. You will have to either cheat to get it, trade for it with a friend, or get it from one of your other games through Pal Park.

Is arceus in the ruins of alph in Pokemon heartgold?


How do you cach Arceus in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can't.

Where do you catch Arceus in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can't.

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What day is Arceus in the ice cave on Pokemon heartgold?

Arceus is never in the Ice Cave.