You cannot catch Palkia in HG/SS. To obtain Palkia u will need to get TRU Arceus to do the Arceus Event in the ruin of alph.
No, but you will be able to catch Palkia, Dialga or Giratina.
yes palkia is a legendary thank you you need a a master ball to catch palkia
First, you need an Event Arceus and you go to Shinto Ruins. Cynthia will be there as well. Then Arceus can create either Giratina, Dialga or Palkia. They will be at Level 1.
You can't catch Skitty in Pokémon HeartGold or Pokémon SoulSilver but you can catch it in the Hoenn Field in the PokéWalker device and then transfer it over into HeartGold or SoulSilver.poke walker .
You can catch Palkia in Pearl and tranfer Dialga to pearl from diamond.
No, but you will be able to catch Palkia, Dialga or Giratina.
You can't catch Palkia in Diamond. You'll have to trade it from Pearl, Platinum, Black2 or OmegaRuby. You can also trade it from HeartGold/SoulSilver, Black, X/Y or AlphaSapphire, if you've visited an event.
Yes! First get an arceus. Then go to ruins of alph. Cynthia will be there and then you go to Shinto ruins. Then you can catch one of the 3 legends: Giratina palkia dialga.
To catch palkia you will need to trade him with Pokemon pearl. NOTE: You catch palkia in pearl and dialga in diamond.
You can't catch palkia (if you have diamond) You could trade.
Sorry to say, but no, you cannot catch a Palkia on Diamond version. You catch a Dialga on diamond, and Palkia on pearl. You would have to trade to get one.
you can catch palkia by going to spear pilla and solve the maze in it and when you finish that catch it with a master ball (i caught it with a dusk ball) and you will have a palkia!
You cannot catch palkia in diamond and dialga in pearl but you can catch both of them in Pokemon platinum
To catch Palkia, you have to get a Lustrous Orb from Pokemon Pearl, and an Adamant Orb from Pokemon Diamond. Then you have to go to Temporial Tower. You will have to catch/defeat Dialga first, then catch Palkia.
You can't catch Rotom in heartgold.
yes palkia is a legendary thank you you need a a master ball to catch palkia
yes palkia is a legendary thank you you need a a master ball to catch palkia