There isn't a date for the Arceus Event in Pokemon HeartGold (unless you mean the event where you get Arceus).
When you send over any Arceus into your HeartGold game, the event is activated. You'll have to go to the Ruins of Alph in order to do the event.
Technically,yes you can get Arceus in Pokemon Heartgold,but only by trading it to your Pokemon Heartgold game from Pokemon diamond,pearl or platinum.
There is currently no Arceus event for Heart Gold, but there was an event for DPP where you could obtain Arceus to level 100 with the moves Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, Shadow Force, and Judgment. Currently that is the only way to legally obtain Arceus.
there is not going to be an event for arceus on Pokemon black sorry to disapoint you.....!
You can only get Arceus by an Event.
i don't think Pokemon will have an arceus event. i think its just a hack Pokemon or a super secret Pokemon
No, you have to get arceus either from an event or from a gameshark cheat :(
LugiaHo-OhSuicuneEnteiRaikouArticunoZapdosMoltresMewtwoKyogreRayquazaArceus(event)Giratina(arceus event)Dialga(arceus event)Palkia(arceus eventLatias
There is an event where you can get it from.
By Event or buy Action Replay
you cant,there are no more darkrai events in America
No, unfortunately, you can't. Unless you use a game shark or action replay. To get Arceus, you have to do a Pokemon special event such as the 12th movie Arceus event. There are rumors that there will eventually be other Arceus event as well.
Arceus is an event only pokemon. You need to wait for Nintendo to do a new event where you can get it over WiFi, or hack your game with Action Replay.
pokemon events, or trade the event pokemon from a diamond/pearl/platinum game.
Either go to an event, or use an action replay.
i heard theres an event for it,but it passed, have to use a code?
that or u can use the action replay . . . that's what i did
Arceus is not available in HeartGold. Arceus is an event Pokemon, and cannot be found naturally in the wild. You will have to either cheat to get it, trade for it with a friend, or get it from one of your other games through Pal Park.