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Bottom floor of Iron Island.

O RLY i kant find registeel (wich hes in there i dont see him) it and im standing right in it -.-

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Q: Where are the iron ruins in Pokemon platinum?
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You get it from Riley on Iron Island.find it the solecean ruins

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The Solaceon Ruins.

Can you get Regigigas in Pokemon Ruby Destiny?

no regigigas was a new Pokemon in Pokemon platinum

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What do you have to do in the ruins Pokemon Platinum?

I think you have to find a special pokemon

When can you get to iron mountain on Pokemon platinum?

Iron Mountain isn't in Pokemon Platinum

When can you catch the 3 regies in Pokemon platinum?

Regirock can be found in the Rock Peak Ruins (on Route 228) Registeel can be found in the Ironhead Ruins (Iron Island) Regice can be found in the Iceberg Ruins in Mt Coronet.

How do you get to eterna ruins in Pokemon platinum?

lol there are no eterna ruins that was just in the anime.

Where is registeel in Pokemon Platinum?

The only way to get the 3 Regis in Pokemon Platinum Version is if you have the Regigigas given away at Toys 'R' Us. Only that exact Regigigas will activate the other 3.\actually Registeel is in the Iron Ruins inside of Iron Island B3F.

Where can you find defog on Pokemon platinum?

in the solaceon ruins.

Where do you get defog on Pokemon platinum?

you get it at the solaceon ruins at the end of it

How do you get to the ruins in Pokemon platinum?

you go in from the veilstone way