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first get out a there go to hertarome then veilstone

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Q: Where do you go after you go in solaceon ruins in Pokemon platinum?
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You need the naxtionil pokedek go to the resort area Battle 55 Pokemon should be a shiny mew

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OK you go to the great mash in pastoria city. Then go in the safari zone ($500) the 1st GIRL to your right and she will give you defog. In Pokemon Platinum you can find it on the bottom floor of the Solaceon Ruins which is in Solaceon Town.

How do get the item atop solaceon ruins in Pokemon platinum version?

I think you have to get all 26 unknown, go to rt 214 into the ruin maniac tunnel, and there will be a cave connecting you to the room in solaceon ruins and you can exit to get the item there, but you must go back tho=rouh the tunnel.

How do you catch the unown z Pokemon pearl?

first go to solaceon town and then go to the solaceon ruins and then you find them there

What is the item atop solaceon ruins in Pokemon platinum?

A Tm catch all unknow to get all 26 forms then go to the cave a guy is trying to dig is. pokemon sucks

Where do you find the Pokemon unknown?

you go to solaceon town and go into the solacion ruins

How do you get in the ancient ruins in Pokemon?

Go to Solaceon Town and go right. There will be three paths available. Go to the far right and enter it. There will be door. Go inside and you will be in the Solaceon Town Ruins.

How do you get to the unnown ruins on Pokemon Pearl?

Go to the right at solaceon town

Where do you see the number 114 at on Pokemon pearl?

Go to the Solaceon town ruins, and the Pokemon is unown.

Were do you go to see the 114 Pokemon in your pokedex?

114 is found in the Solaceon Ruins.

How do you get a firestone in platinum?

You can get a fire stone in the Solaceon Ruins. YOu can also get a water and thunderstone. You have to go to random rocks

Where are th solaceon ruins in Pokemon pearl?

the ruins are to the far right of solaceon. you have to go behing the building at the top right corner in solaceon. then you will see ridges. go to the one all the way to the right. go down, and you should end up at the entrance to the ruins...i hope that i was able to help you!!!