

Where are the fens?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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It's a region of alkaline marshes in the UK, mostly drained, and very flat and low-lying. The area is located to the north of Cambridge.

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What word made up of these letters sfuennt?

2-letter wordsef, en, es, et, ne, nu, un, us, ut3-letter wordsefs, eft, ens, fen, fet, feu, fun, net, nun, nus, nut, sen, set, sue, sun, ten, tun, uns, use, uts4-letter wordsefts, fens, fets, feus, funs, fuse, nest, nets, nuns, nuts, sent, stun, suet, sunn, tens, tune, tuns5-letter wordsfetus, tunes, unset6-letter wordsfunest, unsent51 words found.

What are four letter words beginning with f?

There are lots of four letter words beginning with f, here are a few examples .... flip, flop, flag, fall, frog, four, five, fail, free, from, foul, fawn, fool. Here is a more complete list, Face, fact, fade, fads, frail, fain, fair, fait, fake, fall, fame, fane, fame, fans, fare, farm, faro, fart, fast, fate, fats, faun, faux, fawn, fear, feat, feck, feds, feed, feel, fees, feet, fell, felt, fend, fens, fern, fess, fest, feta, fete, feud, fiat, fibs, fico, fide, fids, figs, file, fill, film, find, fine, fink, fins, firm, firs, fist, fits, five, fixe, fizz, flab, flag, flak, flam, flan, flap, flat, flaw, flax, flay, fled, flee, flew, flex, flip, flit, floe, flog, flop, flow, flub, flue, flus, flux, foam, fobs, foci, foes, fogs, fogy, foil, fold, folk, fond, font, food, fool, fops, ford, fore, fork, form, fort, foul, fowl, foxy, frag, frap, frat, fred, free, fret, frig, frit, froe, frog, from, fuel, fugs, full, fume, fund, furl, furs, fury, fuse, fuss, fuzz. And of course, the one notorious curse word.

How many words can be formed with these letters ofdelnrsu?

3-letter wordsdel, den, des, doe, dol, don, dor, dos, due, dun, duo, efs, eld, elf, els, end, ens, eon, ern, ers, fed, fen, fer, feu, flu, foe, fon, for, fou, fro, fud, fun, fur, led, leu, nod, nor, nos, nus, ode, ods, oes, old, ole, one, ons, ore, ors, ose, oud, our, red, ref, res, rod, roe, rue, run, sel, sen, ser, sod, sol, son, sou, sue, sun, udo, uns, urd, urn, use4-letter wordsdelf, dels, dens, doer, does, dole, dols, done, dons, dore, dors, dose, dour, duel, dues, dune, duns, duos, dure, durn, duro, elds, ends, enol, eons, erns, eros, euro, feds, fend, fens, feod, fern, feud, feus, fled, floe, flue, flus, foes, fold, fond, fons, ford, fore, foul, four, froe, fuds, fuel, fund, funs, furl, furs, fuse, lend, leno, lens, leud, lode, lone, lord, lore, lorn, lose, loud, lour, lude, lues, lune, lure, nerd, node, nods, noel, noes, nose, nous, nude, nurd, nurl, odes, olds, oles, ones, onus, ores, orle, ouds, ours, redo, reds, refs, rend, rode, rods, roes, role, rose, roue, rude, rued, rues, rule, rune, runs, ruse, self, send, serf, sled, sloe, slue, slur, sned, sold, sole, sone, sord, sore, sorn, soul, sour, sued, suer, surd, sure, surf, udos, unde, undo, urds, urns, used, user5-letter wordsdelfs, doers, doles, doser, douse, drone, druse, duels, dulse, dunes, dures, durns, duros, enols, enrol, euros, felon, fends, feods, ferns, feuds, floes, flour, flued, flues, fluor, folds, fonds, fondu, fords, fores, fouls, found, fours, froes, frond, frons, fuels, funds, furls, fused, fusel, lends, lenos, leuds, loden, lodes, loner, lords, lores, loser, lours, louse, ludes, lunes, lured, lures, nerds, nerol, nodes, nodus, noels, nosed, nuder, nudes, nurds, nurls, nurse, olden, older, orles, ousel, redon, redos, rends, resod, roles, rosed, rouen, roues, round, rouse, ruled, rules, runes, senor, slued, snore, soled, sonde, sorel, sound, sudor, sulfo, under, unfed, unled, uredo6-letter wordsdorsel, douser, drones, enduro, enfold, enrols, ensoul, felons, flours, fluors, folder, fonder, fondle, fondue, fondus, fouled, fouler, founds, fronds, furled, lodens, loners, louden, louder, loured, loused, nerols, nodule, nurled, nursed, redons, refold, refund, resold, rondel, rouens, rounds, roused, rundle, snored, solder, sonder, sorned, souled, soured, sunder, surfed, undoer, undoes, unfold, unsold, uredos7-letter wordsenduros, enfolds, floured, folders, fondler, fondles, fondues, founder, loudens, nodules, ourself, refolds, refound, refunds, resound, rondels, roundel, rundles, sounder, sulfone, undoers, unfolds8-letter wordsflounder, fondlers, founders, refounds, roundels, unfolder, unsolder9-letter wordsflounders, unfolders

What are some words that end with the letter s?

4-letter wordsaahs, aals, abas, abys, aces, acts, adds, ados, agas, ages, aids, ails, aims, ains, airs, aits, alas, albs, ales, alls, alms, alps, alts, amas, amis, amps, amus, anas, ands, anes, anis, ants, anus, apes, arbs, arcs, ares, arfs, arks, arms, arts, ates, auks, aves, avos, awes, awls, awns, axes, axis, ayes, baas, bads, bags, bals, bams, bans, bars, bats, bays, beds, bees, begs, bels, bens, bets, beys, bias, bibs, bids, bins, bios, bits, boas, bobs, bods, bogs, boos, bops, bots, bows, boys, bras, bris, bubs, buds, bugs, bums, buns, burs, buts, buys, byes, cabs, cads, cams, cans, caps, cars, cats, caws, cays, cees, ceps, chis, cobs, cods, cogs, cols, cons, coos, cops, cots, cows, coys, cris, crus, cubs, cuds, cues, cups, curs, cuts, cwms, dabs, dads, dags, dahs, dais, daks, dals, dams, daps, daws, days, debs, dees, dels, dens, devs, dews, deys, dibs, dies, digs, dims, dins, dips, dits, docs, does, dogs, dols, doms, dons, dors, dots, dows, drys, dubs, duds, dues, dugs, duns, duos, dups, dyes, ears, eats, ebbs, ecus, edhs, eels, effs, efts, eggs, egis, egos, ekes, elds, elks, ells, elms, emes, emus, ends, engs, eons, epos, eras, ergs, erns, eros, errs, etas, eths, eves, ewes, exes, eyas, eyes, fads, fags, fans, fats, fays, feds, fees, fehs, fems, fens, fets, feus, fibs, fids, figs, fils, fins, firs, fits, flus, fobs, foes, fogs, fons, fops, foys, fubs, fuds, fugs, funs, furs, gabs, gads, gaes, gags, gals, gams, gaps, gars, gats, gays, geds, gees, gels, gems, gens, gets, ghis, gibs, gids, gies, gigs, gins, gips, gnus, goas, gobs, gods, goes, goos, guls, gums, guns, guts, guvs, guys, gyms, gyps, haes, hags, hahs, hams, haps, hats, haws, hays, hehs, hems, hens, hers, hets, hews, hies, hins, hips, hits, hobs, hods, hoes, hogs, hols, hons, hops, hots, hows, hoys, hubs, hues, hugs, hums, huns, huts, hyps, ibis, ices, ichs, ides, ilks, ills, imps, inks, inns, ions, ires, iris, irks, iwis, jabs, jags, jams, jars, jaws, jays, jees, jets, jibs, jigs, jins, jobs, joes, jogs, jots, jows, joys, jugs, juts, kaas, kabs, kaes, kafs, kats, kays, keas, kefs, kegs, kens, keps, keys, khis, kids, kifs, kins, kips, kirs, kits, koas, kobs, kops, kors, kris, kues, kvas, labs, lacs, lads, lags, lams, laps, lars, lats, lavs, laws, lays, leas, lees, legs, leis, leks, lens, lets, leys, libs, lids, lies, lins, lips, lits, lobs, logs, loos, lops, lots, lows, lues, lugs, lums, luvs, lyes, macs, mads, maes, mags, mans, maps, mars, mats, maws, mays, mels, mems, mews, mhos, mibs, mids, migs, mils, mirs, moas, mobs, mods, mogs, mols, moms, mons, moos, mops, mors, mots, mows, muds, mugs, mums, muns, muts, nabs, nags, naos, naps, nays, nebs, nets, news, nibs, nils, nims, nips, nits, nobs, nods, noes, nogs, noms, nous, nows, nubs, nuns, nuts, oafs, oaks, oars, oats, obes, obis, ocas, odds, odes, offs, ohms, oils, okas, okes, olds, oles, ones, onus, oohs, oops, oots, opes, opts, opus, orbs, orcs, ores, orts, ouds, ours, outs, owes, owls, owns, oxes, oyes, pacs, pads, pals, pams, pans, paps, pars, pats, paws, pays, peas, pecs, peds, pees, pegs, pehs, pens, peps, pets, pews, phis, pias, pics, pies, pigs, pins, pips, pits, plus, pods, pois, pols, pons, pops, pots, pows, pros, pubs, puds, pugs, puls, puns, pups, purs, puts, pyas, pyes, qats, rads, rags, rams, raps, rats, raws, rays, rebs, recs, reds, rees, refs, regs, reis, rems, reps, rets, revs, rhos, rhus, rias, ribs, rids, rifs, rigs, rims, rins, rips, robs, rocs, rods, roes, roms, rots, rows, rubs, rues, rugs, rums, runs, ruts, ryas, ryes, tabs, tads, tags, tams, tans, taos, taps, tars, tats, taus, tavs, taws, teas, teds, tees, tegs, tels, tens, tets, tews, this, thus, tics, ties, tils, tins, tips, tits, tods, toes, togs, toms, tons, tops, tors, tots, tows, toys, tubs, tugs, tuis, tuns, tups, tuts, twas, twos, tyes, udos, ughs, ukes, ulus, umps, upas, urbs, urds, urns, urus, utas, vacs, vans, vars, vats, vaus, vavs, vaws, vees, vets, vies, vigs, vims, vins, voes, vows, vugs, wabs, wads, waes, wags, wans, waps, wars, wats, waws, ways, webs, weds, wees, wens, wets, whys, wigs, wins, wits, woes, woks, wons, woos, wots, wows, wyes, wyns, yaks, yams, yaps, yaws, yays, yeas, yens, yews, yins, yips, yobs, yods, yoks, yows, yuks, ywis, zags, zaps, zeds, zees, zeks, zigs, zips, zits, zoos

How many 4 letter words can you make out of scientific laboratory?

aals, abas, abet, able, ably, abri, abye, abys, aces, acne, acre, acta, acts, acyl, aeon, aero, aery, afar, ails, ains, airn, airs, airt, airy, aits, alae, alan, alar, alas, alba, albs, alec, alef, ales, alfa, alif, alit, aloe, also, alto, alts, anal, anas, anes, anil, anis, anoa, ansa, anta, ante, anti, ants, arbs, arco, arcs, area, ares, arfs, aria, aril, arts, arty, aryl, asci, asea, ates, ayes, ayin, baal, baas, bail, bait, bale, bals, bane, bani, bans, bare, barf, barn, bars, base, bast, bate, bats, batt, bays, bean, bear, beat, bels, belt, bens, bent, best, beta, bets, beys, bias, bice, bier, bile, bine, bins, bint, bios, birl, birr, bise, bite, bits, bitt, blae, blat, blet, blin, bloc, blot, boar, boas, boat, boil, bola, bole, bolo, bolt, bone, bony, boon, boor, boos, boot, bora, bore, born, bort, bota, bots, bott, boyo, boys, brae, bran, bras, brat, bray, bren, brie, brin, brio, bris, brit, broo, byes, byre, byrl, byte, cabs, caca, cafe, cain, calf, cane, cans, cant, carb, care, carl, carn, cars, cart, casa, case, cast, cate, cats, cays, ceca, ceil, celt, cent, cero, ciao, cine, cion, cire, cist, cite, city, clan, clay, clef, clon, clot, cloy, coal, coat, cobs, coca, coco, coft, coif, coil, coin, coir, cola, cole, cols, colt, coly, cone, coni, cons, cony, coof, cool, coon, coos, coot, core, corf, corn, cory, cost, cosy, cote, cots, coys, crab, crib, cris, croc, cyan, cyst, earl, earn, ears, east, easy, eats, ebon, efts, elan, enol, eons, eras, erns, eros, errs, erst, etas, etic, etna, eyas, eyra, face, fact, fail, fain, fair, fane, fano, fans, fare, farl, faro, fast, fate, fats, fays, feal, fear, feat, felt, fens, fern, feta, fets, fiar, fiat, fibs, fice, fico, fila, file, filo, fils, fine, fino, fins, fire, firn, firs, fisc, fist, fits, flab, flan, flat, flay, flea, fley, flic, flit, floc, floe, foal, fobs, foci, foes, foil, foin, fons, font, fool, foot, fora, forb, fore, fort, foys, frae, frat, fray, fret, frit, froe, fyce, ibis, ices, icon, ilea, ilia, inby, info, inia, inly, inro, inti, into, ions, iota, ires, iris, iron, isba, isle, labs, lace, lacs, lacy, laic, lain, lair, lane, lari, lars, lase, last, late, lati, lats, lays, leaf, lean, lear, leas, left, leis, leno, lens, lent, lest, lets, leys, liar, libs, lice, lief, lien, lier, lies, life, lift, line, lino, lins, lint, liny, lion, lira, lire, list, lits, loaf, loan, lobe, lobo, lobs, loca, loci, loco, loft, loin, lone, loof, loon, loos, loot, lore, lorn, lory, lose, lost, lota, loti, lots, lyes, lyre, lyse, nabe, nabs, naif, nail, naoi, naos, narc, nary, nays, near, neat, nebs, neif, nest, nets, nett, nibs, nice, nils, nisi, nits, nobs, noel, noes, noil, nolo, nose, nosy, nota, note, oafs, oars, oast, oats, obes, obey, obia, obis, obit, oboe, obol, ocas, oils, oily, olea, oleo, oles, olio, once, ones, only, onto, oots, oral, orbs, orby, orca, orcs, ores, orle, orra, orts, osar, otic, otto, oyer, oyes, race, racy, raft, raia, rail, rain, rale, rani, rant, rare, rase, rate, rato, rats, raya, rays, real, rear, rebs, recs, refs, reft, reif, rein, reis, rely, rent, rest, rets, rial, rias, ribs, rice, riel, rife, rifs, rift, rile, rins, riot, rise, rite, roan, roar, robe, robs, rocs, roes, roil, role, roof, root, rose, rosy, rota, rote, rotl, roto, rots, ryas, ryes, ryot, sabe, safe, sail, sain, sale, salt, sane, sari, sate, sati, scab, scan, scar, scat, scot, scry, seal, sear, seat, sect, seif, self, sent, sera, serf, seta, sett, sial, sice, sift, silo, silt, sine, sire, site, slab, slat, slay, slit, slob, sloe, slot, snib, snit, snob, snot, snye, soar, sofa, soft, soil, sola, sole, soli, solo, sone, soon, soot, sora, sorb, sore, sori, sorn, sort, soya, stab, star, stat, stay, stet, stey, stir, stoa, stob, stye, sybo, syce, syli, sync, syne, tabs, tace, taco, tact, tael, tail, tain, tala, talc, tale, tali, tans, taos, tare, tarn, taro, tars, tart, tate, tats, teal, tear, teas, teat, tela, tels, tens, tent, tern, test, tets, tics, tier, ties, tile, tils, tilt, tine, tins, tint, tiny, tire, tirl, tiro, titi, tits, toby, toea, toes, toft, toil, toit, tola, tole, tone, tons, tony, tool, toon, toot, tora, torc, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tors, tort, tory, tost, tote, tots, toyo, toys, tray, tref, tret, trey, trio, trot, troy, tsar, tyes, tyne, tyre, tyro, yare, yarn, yean, year, yeas, yens, yeti, yett, yins, yirr, yobs, yoni, yore

Related questions

When was High Fens created?

High Fens was created in 1957.

When was Tod of the Fens created?

Tod of the Fens was created in 1928.

When was Fens Primary School created?

Fens Primary School was created in 1985.

What is the area of High Fens?

The area of High Fens is 45.012 square kilometers.

What is the area of Fens Pools?

The area of Fens Pools is 376,000.0 square meters.

When was Kees Fens born?

Kees Fens was born on October 18, 1929, in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.

How were the fens drained?

with pipes lot of them

When did Kees Fens die?

Kees Fens died on June 14, 2008, in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands of lung disease.

What animals live in a fen?

Contrary to people's belief, Fens support both plant and animal life. Some of the animals that can survive in fens include snakes and turtles.

Do fish live in fens?

No because a fens is a low-lying wet land and fish need a high lever water. Hope it helps

Are the fens in cambridgeshire the flattest in England?


What actors and actresses appeared in The Fens - 2006?

The cast of The Fens - 2006 includes: Eric Hofer as Sean Mike Pfaff as Bobby Mark Salata as Richie