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There are lots of four letter words beginning with f, here are a few examples

.... flip, flop, flag, fall, frog, four, five, fail, free, from, foul, fawn, fool.

Here is a more complete list,

Face, fact, fade, fads, frail, fain, fair, fait, fake, fall, fame, fane, fame, fans, fare, farm, faro, fart, fast, fate, fats, faun, faux, fawn, fear, feat, feck, feds, feed, feel, fees, feet, fell, felt, fend, fens, fern, fess, fest, feta, fete, feud, Fiat, fibs, fico, fide, fids, figs, file, fill, film, find, fine, fink, fins, firm, firs, fist, fits, five, fixe, fizz, flab, flag, flak, flam, flan, flap, flat, flaw, flax, flay, fled, flee, flew, flex, flip, flit, floe, flog, flop, flow, flub, flue, flus, flux, foam, fobs, foci, foes, fogs, fogy, foil, fold, folk, fond, font, food, fool, fops, Ford, fore, fork, form, fort, foul, fowl, foxy, frag, frap, frat, fred, free, fret, frig, frit, froe, frog, from, fuel, fugs, full, fume, fund, furl, furs, fury, fuse, fuss, fuzz. And of course, the one notorious curse word.

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