

Best Answer

Some four letter words with the first letter f are:

  1. face
  2. fade
  3. fail
  4. fair
  5. fall
  6. fame
  7. farm
  8. fast
  9. fear
  10. feed
  11. feel
  12. feet
  13. fest
  14. file
  15. fill
  16. film
  17. fine
  18. fire
  19. firm
  20. fish
  21. fist
  22. flap
  23. flat
  24. flew
  25. flit
  26. flip
  27. flit
  28. flop
  29. flue
  30. foal
  31. foam
  32. fold
  33. folk
  34. food
  35. fool
  36. foot
  37. fork
  38. form
  39. fort
  40. four
  41. fray
  42. free
  43. fret
  44. from
  45. fuel
  46. full
  47. fume
  48. fury
  49. fuss
  50. fuzz
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