I'm not entirely sure but I have heard they are in the Underground. Go there to make your Pokemon happier.
haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
The most rarest Pokemon card is original set kahangaskhan. Worth more then $1000 a piece.
a sapphire from an uncut sapphire by using a chisle on it, and smelt a gold bar into a sapphire necklace.
no, blaziken is a third generation Pokemon (region: hoenn) and the third form of the starter torchic in rby/spr/emld
The ruby and sapphire are on fire red and leaf green don't worry about the in ruby sapphire or emerald.
at mt. pyre
Evolve Snorunt. Snorunt can be found in Shoal Cave Ice Room
you can't get the black flute in leaf green but you can in Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald then trade it to leaf green.
Sadly, no. The creators of the game forgot to add in the Pokedex, so trading is impossible without GameShark. :(
use action replay
There are a number of online groomers that are available on the web, such as groomers-online. christies direct, natcen, parents protect, and tg daily.
Dog groomers are people who groom your dog i did the same with my dog and they did a good job
dfg tyhgtg
yes there is. just fly there if you can
You can download it at 4 SHARED.
well you have to have mewtow and change one to zacrom and then get a pekachu and get 6 enrgy cards and then get one more mew tow and leave it how it is and get i traner and that would be how to do it