Lavender town has the best heals, repels, and pokè balls.
Super Rod in "Canalave City"
you use a super rod in the safari zone
Pallette Town with the Super Rod. (Yes, you need the Super Rod in Fire Red.)
In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.
You have to get a Super Rod and fish for it.
Lavender town has the best heals, repels, and pokè balls.
use the super rod in five island
the safari zone in the water with a super rod
Super Rod in "Canalave City"
Repels make WEAK not strong Pokemon not appear
Buy a pokedoll for her in the super mart, and she will teach one of your Pokemon mimic
you use a super rod
Yes by good rod or super rod
you use a super rod in the safari zone
use a super rod on the pond north of vermilion city
Pallette Town with the Super Rod. (Yes, you need the Super Rod in Fire Red.)