You can find different colored shards when you dive. When you see little dark spots on the bottom of the ocean they're items.
The color shards you can find in Pokemon Platinum are Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow Shards.
There are four shards in Pokemon Platinum- red, blue, green and yellow. They can all be found in the Underground.
NO, unfortunately Pokemon blue, red and yellow are all first generation Pokemon games and Pokemon sapphire is third generation. You can trade Pokemon from blue to games like gold and silver, but not games like firered and sapphire.
They are hidden in grass (underwater and above water) and in rocks and walls. Press A, and you should find the shard.
4 blue shards i think teach it to a golduck or psyduck holding the mind plate it does 100 i think !
There are an infinite amount of shards that you can get from wild Pokemon and limited ones you can find under the sea in rocks or above in rocks.
The color shards you can find in Pokemon Platinum are Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow Shards.
The green shard can be traded for a leaf stone if you talk to the Treasure Hunter on Route 124. Any shards can be traded in for an evolution stone. Yellow Shards = Thunderstones Blue Shards = Water Stones Red Shards = Fire Stones Green Shards = Leaf Stones However there are no shards that allow you to receive a Moon Stone.
Blue shards are found underneath the water while diving.
They can't be bought. You can find them underwater, or attached to wild pokemon. Chinchou have yellow shards, Clamperl have blue shards, Relicanth have green shards and Corsola have red shards.
Blue Shards can be found on some wild Clamperl.
they come from the clamperl
There are four shards in Pokemon Platinum- red, blue, green and yellow. They can all be found in the Underground.
Pokemon blue to ruby is sapphire.
NO, unfortunately Pokemon blue, red and yellow are all first generation Pokemon games and Pokemon sapphire is third generation. You can trade Pokemon from blue to games like gold and silver, but not games like firered and sapphire.