Until a new xbox comes out or until the 360 dies which it probably won't because of kinect so its going to be about 2-5 years estimate that they will stop
That is a good question! I think they will stop making games for the xbox 360 and ps3 because of the ps4 and the xbox 720. They already stopped making games for ps2 and xbox. i have an xbox 360 so even i'm not sure weather to keep xbox or get xbox 720.
good question well all of the gaming compony dose this they make a few games for a few years when the biznus gose down thay make a new console agein agein and ageinBlake Coopers responds:Thanks for answering because this year ( 2010 ) I want an XBOX 360 for Christmas, But I need to know when they'll stop making skate 2 and XBOX 360. But, The problem is when will they stop making games for XBOX 360? Because I really want the game skate 2 to like do deaths and stuff because that is really fun. So please tell me on my message board what to do and when they'll stop making XBOX 360 games because I don't want them to end by the time it's December 1, 2010.My message board is right down there, So click on it and say anything you want to me about XBOX 360 and the games.UserDiscuss:BlakeCoopers
Yes, the Xbox games were discontinued almost as soon as the Xbox 360 came out.
As of Oct. 09, no. They are too busy making games that would be fun.
The Xbox 360 can play original Xbox games but the Xbox doesnt play Xbox 360 games.
That is a good question! I think they will stop making games for the xbox 360 and ps3 because of the ps4 and the xbox 720. They already stopped making games for ps2 and xbox. i have an xbox 360 so even i'm not sure weather to keep xbox or get xbox 720.
The old xbox they have stoppedThe xbox 360 the only way is that Microsoftbankrup bankrupt
The number of new games for both systems has already decreased, but they will continue as long as there is a profitable market.
good question well all of the gaming compony dose this they make a few games for a few years when the biznus gose down thay make a new console agein agein and ageinBlake Coopers responds:Thanks for answering because this year ( 2010 ) I want an XBOX 360 for Christmas, But I need to know when they'll stop making skate 2 and XBOX 360. But, The problem is when will they stop making games for XBOX 360? Because I really want the game skate 2 to like do deaths and stuff because that is really fun. So please tell me on my message board what to do and when they'll stop making XBOX 360 games because I don't want them to end by the time it's December 1, 2010.My message board is right down there, So click on it and say anything you want to me about XBOX 360 and the games.UserDiscuss:BlakeCoopers
Yes, the Xbox games were discontinued almost as soon as the Xbox 360 came out.
They probably won't, being that it's a huge success.
Of course not, what would be the point of making the Xbox 360 then?
PS2 games are decreasing in new releases and the first that stopped being made were the games exclusive to the PS2. The same can be expected for the Xbox 360 when it is finally replaced. The new games made for multiple platforms will continue to be released for the longest time and games like Halo will be the first to switch to the new system and stop making a Xbox 360 version. It could even be expected that they would release the new system with some new game titles from former Xbox 360 exclusive game series that would only be available in versions for the new Platform.
No just not alot of them sold anymore just go to your nearest game stop and they will have them might have to deliever it but they are out there.
Games have slowed to a trickle already for the PS2 compared with PS3 releases. That is because some have already stopped finding, it less profitable to continue making new PS2 game versions with the games for PS3 and Xbox 360
Maybe you should stop playing xbox and get a life you bum. GET A JOB hippie