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Unlike Sony Nintendo does not add numerals after their original names.

(probably in 2010)

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Q: When will the Nintendo Ds2 come out?
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How much can you buy a Nintendo ds2 for?

about $300.00 take it from me i work at

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When will the Nintendo DS come out?

The Nintendo DS has already come out!! LoK

Where did the Nintendo DS come from?

The Nintendo Company.

Is there a dsi 2?

They could be making one. I have seen pictures of a DS2 all over the internet. If they are, Nintendo should be releasing the information soon.

What is DS2 Diesel Fuel?

DS2 fuel is ultra low sulfur fuel mainly found at airports. Although it reduces emissions, there is a loss in efficiency when it is used. The PPM (parts per million) content of the sulfur in DS2 fuel should not exceed 15ppm in the United States. Due to the low content of the sulfur in DS2 fuel, the cost of the fuel per gallon has increased up to 25 cents more per gallon.

Where does the Wii come from?

The Wii came from Nintendo, just like Nintendo DS's or Nintendo DSi's.

Where does the materials come from that build the Nintendo Wii?

The Nintendo factory??? (if there is one!!!)

What was the first Nintendo to come out in Canada?

NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)

Where did the DS come from?


When will the Nintendo DS 2 be out?

No announcements have been made as to a release date of a DS2, only that they are working on it. The only confirmed features areWill come with motion-sensitive controls.Will have "highly detailed graphics."Will not include monthly subscription fee or access to a major wireless 3G network.If it is anywhere close to release then you can most likely expect to hear more information on it this year at E3 in June.

Did the Nintendo Wii come out in 2007?

No the Nintendo Wii come out in November 19, 2006 in US and December 2006 in UK