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The Nintendo 3DS is expected to release March 27, 2011.

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Q: When does the Nintendo 3-DSi come out?
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Is there a Nintendo 3dsi?

No, there is the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS with an XL version for both but there is no Nintendo 3DSi

Is there a 3dsi?

No, there is the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS with an XL version for both but there is no Nintendo 3DSi

Are Nintendo making a 3dsi?

Not currently.

Which game console is better?

The Nintendo 3Dsi but,that comes out in Spring 2011:)

Is the 3dsi out yet?

yes the 3dsi is is stores

When is the 3DSi coming out?

In March

Does batman arkham asylum 3d require 3d glasses?

yes.... but Nintendo has released the 3dsi with none glasses so batman arkham asylam has 3-d glasses.

How much does the 3dsi cost?


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When will the Nintendo DS come out?

The Nintendo DS has already come out!! LoK

Where did the Nintendo DS come from?

The Nintendo Company.

Where does the Wii come from?

The Wii came from Nintendo, just like Nintendo DS's or Nintendo DSi's.