There is a system of tides in shoal cave. Every six hours, the tides change form high to low. Only in low tide can you access the lower rooms. If you are playing on a VBA, I suggest that you activate the Real Time Clock function in the Options menu.
the old man in shoal cave will make you useful items with the shoal salt
Kyorge does not appear in Shoal Cave. In Pokemon Sapphire Kyogre appears in the Cave of Origins as part of the story. In Pokemon Emerald Kyogre appears in the Marine Cave after defeating the Elite Four.
when the tide is high you use surf into a cave and surf around if you see a rock with something blue click it and you get a shoal shell.
somewhere in shoal cave somewhere in shoal cave
According to my findings shoal cave changes either every 3 hours or 3 days keep going into shoal cave until the low tide is there. According to the Bulbapedia, it is every 6 hours that it is either hi tide or low tide.
Yes in shoal cave.
combine it with shoal salt and create a shoal bell by talking to the dude in the start of the cave.
the old man in shoal cave will make you useful items with the shoal salt
Go to Mossdeep City, then SURF north and enter the Shoal Cave... There you will find Spheal...
Kyorge does not appear in Shoal Cave. In Pokemon Sapphire Kyogre appears in the Cave of Origins as part of the story. In Pokemon Emerald Kyogre appears in the Marine Cave after defeating the Elite Four.
depending on the time the tide will be higher meaning the cave is flooded during that time you can get shoal shells
You can find it in shoal cave during low tide.
get it from an old man in shoal cave
You have to wait until the tide comes up in Shoal Cave.
when the tide is high you use surf into a cave and surf around if you see a rock with something blue click it and you get a shoal shell.
after you beat the Pokemon league go where the shoal cave is then look to your left and the is a dive spot dive and go through and then go up then there is a cave and that is the marine cave.
In shoal cave.