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Usually when you have half of the pokedex filled he calls you and says "wow you have Pokemon not blah blah to johoto or kanto regions D:<

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Q: When does professor oak give you a call on Pokemon heartgold?
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When does professor oak call you on pokemon heartgold?

after you beat all the gym leaders in kanto and johto reigons he calls you to say that he forgot to give you something so you go to pallet town and he will give you rock climb.

How do you get rockclimb in Pokemon heartgold?

Beat all The Johto and Kanto Gym Battles and then speak with Professor Oak and he will give it to you.

What is the point in battling red in Pokemon HeartGold?

Afterwards, Professor Oak will give you a Generation 1 starter (Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle)

Where do you get rock climb in Pokemon HeartGold?

Professor Elm will give you HM Rock Climb after the 16 badge.I think after you have collected all 16 badges you can talk to prof. elm and he will give it you.

Who to show the Pokemon Rayquaza to in Pokemon HeartGold?

You do not need to show Rayquaza to anyone in HeartGold. In order to get Rayquaza, you need to show Kyogre and Groudon (from HeartGold and SoulSilver) to Professor Oak. In turn, he will give you the Green Orb. With the Green Orb in hand, you can find Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower.

Were do you get rock climb on Pokemon HeartGold?

you get it after you get all 8 gym badges from Johto and Kanto. Once you defeated the last one in Kanto, Professor Oak will call saying he has something for you. Go to him and he'll give you Rock Climb

Is Rayquaza the last legendary you can find in Pokemon HeartGold?

It's not the "last" Legendary Pokemon that you can find in Pokemon HeartGold, but most people usually catch that one last given that you need to have both Kyogre and Groudon in your party for Professor Oak to give you the Jade Orb to get to Rayquaza.

Where is Professor Oak after you beat the Elite Four in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

he will give you the national pokedex then when you go to kanto he's in pallet town in his lab

What do you do after you catch Kyogre in Pokemon HeartGold?

After catching Kyogre, obtain a Groudon from a friend with Pokemon SoulSilver. You only need the Groudon temporarily. Talk to Professor Oak with both in your party, and Professor Oak will give you the Jade Orb to catch Raquayza.

What does professor oak give you once you have all gym badges in the Pokemon heartgold game?

He gives you the HM Rock Climb, and if you also defeat Red, you can get one of the Kanto Starter Pokemon.

When do you get the master ball in HeartGold?

After you defeat the main 8 gyms professor oak will call you to his lab and say he has something for you. Then he will give you a master ball.

Where can you get another starter in Pokemon with out tradeing?

In Pokemon Emerald, when you complete the Hoenn Pokedex, Proffesor Birch gives you a Johto starter. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, after defeating Red, Professor Oak will give you a Kanto Starter and Steven will give you a Hoenn Starter.