After catching Kyogre, obtain a Groudon from a friend with Pokemon SoulSilver. You only need the Groudon temporarily. Talk to Professor Oak with both in your party, and Professor Oak will give you the Jade Orb to catch Raquayza.
No you do not need to catch Kyogre. You can get a Hoenn starter from a guy named Steven in Kanto.
You cannot catch Kyogre native in Pokemon Diamond. You must import the mighty Kyogre from Emerald or Sapphire using Pal Park.
Groudon is unavailable in heartgold. You can only catch Kyogre. If you want groudon, you will have to trade from heartgold, or migrate from another game.
You can't. You must trade Kyogre over from Heartgold.
In heart gold after catching Kyogre you will have the Blue orb. Get someone to trade you a groudon only then you can get the jade orb and catch raquazza
You can only catch Kyogre when you have HeartGold.
In HeartGold you can catch Kyogre.
You can't catch him in HeartGold. Only in SoulSilver. In HeartGold, you catch Kyogre in Embedded Tower. If you transfer either Kyogre or Groudon to the other game, you can catch Rayquayza
You can catch it with a Poké Ball.
You catch Kyogre AND TRADE A GROUDON FOR ANY POKEMON BUT KYOGRE go to the Pokemon proffeser he will give you an orb where you can catch raqausa.
You can catch it at Embedded Tower if you have a Blue Orb.
No because Kyogre is only in HeartGold Version
No you do not need to catch Kyogre. You can get a Hoenn starter from a guy named Steven in Kanto.
Level up your best Pokemon to at least level 60.
You cant you will have to trade one from heartgold
You can only catch one in one game. In Pokemon SoulSilver, you get Groudon, and in HeartGold you get Kyogre. In Sapphire you get Kyogre, and in Ruby you get Groudon.
First you have to catch kyogre and trade groudon to heartgold then go to the embedded tower and there is rayquaza