Groudon is unavailable in heartgold. You can only catch Kyogre. If you want groudon, you will have to trade from heartgold, or migrate from another game.
you can't you have to trade from soulsilver
you cant but you can trade it from Pokemon soul silver
First you need to gave caught the kyogre or groudon in heartgold or soulsilver. Then go to professor oak's lab put the kyogre first or groudon
The cool legendaries you can get in Soulsilver/heartgold are the following: Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Latias, Latios (Latios in Soulsilver & Latias in Heartgold), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Kyogre in Heartgold, Groudon in Soulsilver & Rayquaza if you have both).
You have to have Kyogre and Groudon in your party with you in Pokémon HeartGold and then you have to go see Professor Oak while you have them with you. If both Kyogre and Groudon have been caught in the Embedded Tower then Professor Oak will give you the Green Orb aka the Jade Orb.
Groudon is unavailible in Pokemon heartgold trade from soulsilver to get groudon.
Groudon isn't in HeartGold, it is in SoulSilver. Kyogre is in HeartGold as well as Rayquaza.
You can get a yellow Groudon at the related link below.
It's impossible to get it in Heartgold, unless you trade it or migrate it.
you cant catch him in heartgold you can only get him in soulsilver
No, Kyogre is for HeartGold and Groudon is for SoulSIlver. Unless, you trade with a friend or use the GTS, you can't get; latias, kyogre and rayquaza are in heartgold.Latios, Groudon, and rayquaza are in soulsilver.
Migrate raquaza
a groudon and a kyogre
To get Rayquaza, get both Groudon AND Kyogre. SoulSilver: Groudon HeartGold: Kyogre
you can not. you get groudon, not kyogre. kyogre is in heartgold. but groudon is in embedded tower near the safari zone in soulsilver.You can only catch Kyogre in Heartgold :(
Sorry, Groudon is specific to HeartGold but is you can get a HeartGold user (MAYBE ME) to lend you their groudon, you can get a Rayquaza! Rayquaza's better anyways
You can't catch him in HeartGold. Only in SoulSilver. In HeartGold, you catch Kyogre in Embedded Tower. If you transfer either Kyogre or Groudon to the other game, you can catch Rayquayza