

Best Answer

Level 1 you need to go to the move tuter.YOU NEED I MEAN REALLY MEAN YOU NEED TO HAVE A HEART SCALE.Ways to get a heart scale: platinum: goto the reporters house in solaceon town and capture the Pokemon he needs/wants.Then show it to him.heartgold/soulsilver:on a certain day(i forget which won)in the pokeathelon a lady in one of those counters will have heartscales.D\P:go underground.

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Q: When does piloswine learn acientpower?
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What level does poseswime learn acientpower?

Piloswine learns it upon being evolved. (Or it is when you catch one.)

What level does a piloswine evolve on?

Have Piloswine learn AncientPower and level it up. (Piloswine cannot learn AncientPower through level up. Go to the Move Maniac in Blackthorn City and have a Heart Scale. Talk to him and teach your Piloswine AncientPower.)

When does piloswine evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

yes,piloswine can evolve when it learn an ancient power.

Does Pilowswine learn Sheer Cold?

No, Piloswine does not learn Sheer Cold.

WHERE do you find acientpower in Pokemon emerald?

You cannnot find Ancient Power as a TM, but Move Tutors and Pokemon can learn/teach them to for you.

When does Piloswine learn Ancient Power?

first you get swinub and then you get it to level 33 and then it evolves into piloswine and then you go to snowpoint city and the move tutor will teach your piloswine ANCIENT POWER

Does piloswine learn ancient power in LeafGreen?

yes it does

What level does piloswine learn ancientpower in Pokemon gold?


What level does piloswine learn ancientpower in Pokemon Pearl?

In Pokémon Pearl, Piloswine doesn't learn Ancientpower through gaining more levels, it learns it via the Move Relearner in Pastoria City.

When does piloswine learn Ancient Power in Heart Gold?

You have to get then TM ancientpower

How do you get Piloswine on Platinum?

Make piloswine learn ancientpower and then level it up at any place

What level does Piloswine learn Ancientpower in Pokemon FireRed?

In Generation III, Piloswine can only learn Ancientpower through breeding with a father of Diglett, Dugtrio, Wooper, Quagsire, Dunsparce, Phanpy, Donphan, Mawile, Numel, Camerupt or Kecleon knowing Ancientpower with a female Piloswine. However, a Piloswine cannot evolve into a Mamoswine in Generation III, as Mamoswine is a Generation IV Pokemon.In Generation IV, Piloswine learns Ancientpower once it has evolved from Swinub.