Have Piloswine learn AncientPower and level it up. (Piloswine cannot learn AncientPower through level up. Go to the Move Maniac in Blackthorn City and have a Heart Scale. Talk to him and teach your Piloswine AncientPower.)
Make sure you have a Heart Scale. Go to the move relearner and when he tells you which Pokemon to choose choose piloswine. Then Select Ancientpower.
teach Piloswine AncientPower and level it up
In Generation III, Piloswine can only learn Ancientpower through breeding with a father of Diglett, Dugtrio, Wooper, Quagsire, Dunsparce, Phanpy, Donphan, Mawile, Numel, Camerupt or Kecleon knowing Ancientpower with a female Piloswine. However, a Piloswine cannot evolve into a Mamoswine in Generation III, as Mamoswine is a Generation IV Pokemon.In Generation IV, Piloswine learns Ancientpower once it has evolved from Swinub.
level it up by one level after it has learned ancientpower
Have Piloswine learn AncientPower and level it up. (Piloswine cannot learn AncientPower through level up. Go to the Move Maniac in Blackthorn City and have a Heart Scale. Talk to him and teach your Piloswine AncientPower.)
Make sure you have a Heart Scale. Go to the move relearner and when he tells you which Pokemon to choose choose piloswine. Then Select Ancientpower.
In Pokémon Pearl, Piloswine doesn't learn Ancientpower through gaining more levels, it learns it via the Move Relearner in Pastoria City.
You'll need Piloswine to learn AncientPower, then level it up to evolve it.
All it has to do is learn ancientpower by level up or through the move tutor
teach Piloswine AncientPower and level it up
In Generation III, Piloswine can only learn Ancientpower through breeding with a father of Diglett, Dugtrio, Wooper, Quagsire, Dunsparce, Phanpy, Donphan, Mawile, Numel, Camerupt or Kecleon knowing Ancientpower with a female Piloswine. However, a Piloswine cannot evolve into a Mamoswine in Generation III, as Mamoswine is a Generation IV Pokemon.In Generation IV, Piloswine learns Ancientpower once it has evolved from Swinub.
level it up by one level after it has learned ancientpower
Piloswine can't learn Ancientpower by level-up. you have 2 options, either let the move tutor in Platinum, Heart Gold or Soul Silver teach Piloswine the move and then use Pokétransfer to transfer the pokémon to Black and White. Or you could Chain breed the move onto a Swinub by breeding a Male Kecleon or Dunsparce that knows Ancientpower with a Female Swinub, Piloswine or Mamoswine. The egg that is produced will be a Swinub that knows Ancientpower. Either way I am sorry but if you have a Piloswine on Pokemon White that doesn't know Ancientpower it can never evolve in that game :( sorry.
Just teach it AncientPower, then level up
he does not learn ancientpower, you have to evolve him to piloswine and use a heart scale
Piloswine can't learn Ancientpower by level-up. you have 2 options, either let the move tutor in Platinum, Heart Gold or Soul Silver teach Piloswine the move and then use Pokétransfer to transfer the pokémon to Black and White. Or you could Chain breed the move onto a Swinub by breeding a Male Kecleon or Dunsparce that knows Ancientpower with a Female Swinub, Piloswine or Mamoswine. The egg that is produced will be a Swinub that knows Ancientpower. Either way I am sorry but if you have a Piloswine on Pokemon White that doesn't know Ancientpower it can never evolve in that game :( sorry.