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Q: When does nidoran learn double kick in Pokemon Yellow?
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What level does nidoran learn double kick?

Level 12

How do you get the move horn attack in Pokemon FireRed?

Goldeen/Seaking, Nidoran/Nidorino, Nidoran/Nidorina and Rhyhorn/Rhydon learn it.

What level does chimchar learn double kick?

you can breed it with these Pokemon to get double kick. Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking Ponyta, Rapidash Hitmonlee Jolteon Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion Wooper, Quagsire Girafarig Stantler Combusken, Blaziken Zangoose

What moves does a nidoran learn?

Level 13

What Pokemon re able to learn cut in yellow?

Grass Pokemon

What moves can nindoran learn in Pokemon Yellow?

Nidoran (Male) Level 1- Leer, Tackle Level 8- Horn Attack Level 12- Double Kick Level 17- Poison Sting Level 23- Focus Energy Level 30- Fury Attack Level 38- Horn Drill Nidoran (Female) Level 1- Growl, Tackle Level 8- Scratch Level 12- Double Kick Level 17- Poison Sting Level 21- Tail Whip Level 30- Bite Level 38- Fury Swipes

Can shellder in Pokemon Yellow learn hyper beam?

yep every Pokemon can

What all does mew learn on his own and when does he learn it in Pokemon Yellow?

go to then go to the diamond and pearl pokedex section and search mew. the moves pokemon learn in diamond and pearl are the same as yellow.

What level does torterra learn leafstorm?

Hey Check This Site Out You can Learn anything about Pokemon from Pokemon yellow - Pokemon platinum... CHECK IT OUT

Can Pickachu learn volt tackle on Pokemon Yellow version?

No, Pikachu cannot learn Volt Tackle in Pokémon Yellow.

Can nidoran learn surf?

No, it can't. Only its last evolutionform, Nidoqueen, can learn surf.

How do you beat the first gym in Pokemon Yellow?

that is extra hard. it is impossibvle with an army of pidgeys and ratattas and nidorans but, there are 3 new solutions. 1 catch a mankey and raise it untilit learns low kick 2 get a caterpie and turn to a butterfree so it can learn confusion,only at level 10 3 get a male nidoran, the darker one, and raise it until it knows double kick