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You have to upgrade your torterra to level 39 before it can learn synthesis.
Torterra can learn Leaf Storm at level 57.
A Torterra evolves at level 32 and learns Leaf Storm upon evolving
It doesnt
lv 51
You have to upgrade your torterra to level 39 before it can learn synthesis.
Torterra can learn Leaf Storm at level 57.
A Torterra evolves at level 32 and learns Leaf Storm upon evolving
It doesnt
It can't learn it by Level up, only from TM53
lv 51
to get synthesis you have to upgrade torterra to lv.39 at level 32 he learns earthqueake at level45 torterra learns crunch torterra learns solarbeam by a TM and cut by a hm and rockclimb by a hm and i don't know what level torterra learns earth power
Lv. 57 is the level when Torterra learns leaf storm but you can also teach it frenzy plant
Turtwig learns it at lv 37. Grotle learns it at lv 42. Torterra learns it at lv 45.
In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Torterra can learn the move Earthquake by leveling up to level 53. This move can also be taught to Torterra through the use of a TM26, which is the Earthquake TM in the game. By using this TM, Torterra can learn the move Earthquake regardless of its current level.
Torerra learns leaf storm at level 100