you can breed it with these Pokemon to get double kick.
Nidoran♂, Nidorino, Nidoking
Ponyta, Rapidash
Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion
Wooper, Quagsire
Combusken, Blaziken
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Chimchar can learn the move Blaze Kick from breeding. Simply breed a male Hitmonlee or Blaziken that knows Blaze Kick with a female Chimchar. The resulting Chimchar that hatches from the egg should now have Blaze Kick as one of it's moves.
Blaze is an ability your Pokemon may have at birth. You may mean Blaze Kick. Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape do not learn Blaze Kick through leveling. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.
Level it up until it evolves into a Monferno, then level it until it learns double kick, double kick is super effective against all the gym leaders Pokemon. that bull crap here how it goes that monferno don't learn double kick it will learn mach punch which isn't very strong but very much fast it will evolve at lv14 guys shut up it learns both double kick and mach punch so i will settle this when your chimchar evolves it will lern mach punch later on in the evolstion it will learn double kick SORTED There is a much simpler way. Just catch a Machop train it to level 7 or 8 and beat all the gym trainers.
Level 12
To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.