Chansey evolves when you increase its happiness.
So beat loads of Pokemon with it without fainting, and give it loads of berries that increase its happiness.
Good Luck.
Actually, Happiny doesn't have to level up in order to evolve into a Chansey. You have to make it hold an Oval Stone first. Then Give Chansey a shiny stone to evolve it into a blissy. ------------------------------ Chansey evolves when you befriend it (not by a stone).
chansey does not evolve by level. it evolves by happiness. i hope this helped!
Wild Chansey
One needs to increase Chansey's happiness to its maximum.
Chansey > level up with max happiness > Blissey
i think that if you give Chansey a moonstone then it will evolve :) i think that is the only way
No, you can't evolve Chansey or any Pokémon through the Daycare.
Actually, Happiny doesn't have to level up in order to evolve into a Chansey. You have to make it hold an Oval Stone first. Then Give Chansey a shiny stone to evolve it into a blissy. ------------------------------ Chansey evolves when you befriend it (not by a stone).
You have to breed a Chansey.
Level up Chansey on a high Friendship Level!!
chansey does not evolve by level. it evolves by happiness. i hope this helped!
Wild Chansey
It is used to evolve chansey first evolution into chansey
for hapinny to evolve into a chansey
occassionally, Mary and oak's radio broadcast notifies you of a swarm of chansey appearing at route 13.