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Q: Where do you find a lucky egg in heartgold?
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Where can you get lucky egg in HeartGold?

Transfer in a pokémon that is holding a Lucky Egg.

How do you get a lucky egg in Pokemon HeartGold?

To get a Lucky Egg in Pokemon HeartGold (This goes for Pokemon SoulSilver as well), you must find a Chansey in the wild that is holding it. Chanseys are hard to find in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver so you'll have to wait and listen to Professor Oak's Radio Show to know if it is in swarm (Meaning you can find a lot of them on the certain route Oak's Show told you about). To know for sure if a Chansey is holding a Lucky Egg, have a Pokemon that knows the Ability "Frisk", such as a Stantler. Put it into the first slot in your party. When you go into battle and encounter a Chansey, "Frisk" will tell you what it is holding. If nothing happens, then that means Chansey isn't holding anything.

Where do you get lucky egg in Pokemon pearl?

Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.

How do you get lucky egg on Pokemon SoulSilver?

All you have to do is wait for a chansey swarm on the radio channel Mary and Oak, and then go there with a stantler. When you run into one, Stantler will frisk and find a lucky egg. Repeat to get more. I have no idea what hatches from a lucky egg, but I know how to get them. Good luck!Lucky Egg Can be obtained, by Getting a Chansy with a Lucky Egg. I think It is One of the Rarest Item in Pokemon Games...

Where to find a lucky egg in soul silver?

you cant find it you need to catch a chansey that is holding it

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Where can you get lucky egg in HeartGold?

Transfer in a pokémon that is holding a Lucky Egg.

How do you get a lucky egg in Pokemon HeartGold?

To get a Lucky Egg in Pokemon HeartGold (This goes for Pokemon SoulSilver as well), you must find a Chansey in the wild that is holding it. Chanseys are hard to find in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver so you'll have to wait and listen to Professor Oak's Radio Show to know if it is in swarm (Meaning you can find a lot of them on the certain route Oak's Show told you about). To know for sure if a Chansey is holding a Lucky Egg, have a Pokemon that knows the Ability "Frisk", such as a Stantler. Put it into the first slot in your party. When you go into battle and encounter a Chansey, "Frisk" will tell you what it is holding. If nothing happens, then that means Chansey isn't holding anything.

Is there an easier way to level up heartgold?

Use rare candies or you can use thief to steal a lucky egg from a wild chansey (the lucky egg increases your exp. points by 5%)!

Where can you find more master balls in heartgold?

If you get lucky on the daily lottery corner

Where do you get lucky egg in Pokemon pearl?

Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.

How do you get lucky egg on Pokemon SoulSilver?

All you have to do is wait for a chansey swarm on the radio channel Mary and Oak, and then go there with a stantler. When you run into one, Stantler will frisk and find a lucky egg. Repeat to get more. I have no idea what hatches from a lucky egg, but I know how to get them. Good luck!Lucky Egg Can be obtained, by Getting a Chansy with a Lucky Egg. I think It is One of the Rarest Item in Pokemon Games...

How can you get legendary egg in Pokemon HeartGold?

No legendary can lay an egg except for manaphy which gives an egg to phione and you can not get manaphy or phione in heartgold

Where to find a lucky egg in soul silver?

you cant find it you need to catch a chansey that is holding it

How do you get a chansy with lucky egg on diamond?

5% of the time will you get a Lucky Egg.

Where to find lucky egg in Pokemon gold?

Use Theif On A Wild Chansey

What is a lucky egg in Pokemon sapphire?

A Lucky Egg is a held item that boosts the amount of EXP. the Pokemon holding the Lucky Egg gains.

How do you get a lucky egg?

Find a wild chansey. Catch it. Feel lucky if it's holding one. Also, once you catch one, they get A LOT easier to find.