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To get a Lucky Egg in Pokemon HeartGold (This goes for Pokemon SoulSilver as well), you must find a Chansey in the wild that is holding it. Chanseys are hard to find in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver so you'll have to wait and listen to Professor Oak's Radio Show to know if it is in swarm (Meaning you can find a lot of them on the certain route Oak's Show told you about). To know for sure if a Chansey is holding a Lucky Egg, have a Pokemon that knows the Ability "Frisk", such as a Stantler. Put it into the first slot in your party. When you go into battle and encounter a Chansey, "Frisk" will tell you what it is holding. If nothing happens, then that means Chansey isn't holding anything.

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Q: How do you get a lucky egg in Pokemon HeartGold?
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Where can you get lucky egg in HeartGold?

Transfer in a pokémon that is holding a Lucky Egg.

Where do you find a lucky egg in heartgold?

Wild Chansey

What is a lucky egg in Pokemon sapphire?

A Lucky Egg is a held item that boosts the amount of EXP. the Pokemon holding the Lucky Egg gains.

What is the egg in Pokemon HeartGold?

A Togepi.

How can you get legendary egg in Pokemon HeartGold?

No legendary can lay an egg except for manaphy which gives an egg to phione and you can not get manaphy or phione in heartgold

Who do you get a Pokemon egg from on Pokemon HeartGold?

You get an egg from Professor Elm's assistant from any Poke Mart.

What do you do when your party is full in Pokemon HeartGold and you cant take the egg?

Deposit one of your Pokemon and you may get the egg

Where do you get lucky egg in Pokemon pearl?

Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.

Why does the lucky egg work for some Pokemon but not for others Does the Pokemon have to love you in Pokemon Pearl?

The lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl is not affected by the Pokemon holding it. However, if one Pokemon were traded, and one were holding a lucky egg, they would receive the same EXP for defeating the same foe. In addition, if that traded Pokemon were holding a lucky egg, it would receive both boosts. You may want to confirm that you are not using an Egg Stone, which is used to evolve Happiny.

In Pokemon platinum what is the item Lucky Egg and where is it found?

The lucky egg is an item that doubles the amount of exp that a Pokemon gives. You can get it from a Chansey if you are lucky (found near Solaceon town).

What Pokemon can be bred in Pokemon HeartGold?

yes. at Pokemon day care if they have to same egg group.

Where do you get a lucky egg in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You get it as a very lucky drop from chansey