If you are talking about after the Johto League tournament, yeah. They meet in episode 319. :D
its has never happend but i hope it will and my favorite person is misty! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ash is really suppose to meet Misty in an episode after he meets may and joins back up with Brock.Then sometime after wards Togepi evolves.
I guess Ash will marry Misty, because how I know is I heard Misty's best friends are her togepi and Ash. Even in Misty's Song Ash and Misty sounded romantic. Besides Misty is one of my favorite Pokemon trainers.
misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon
Yes Misty loves Ash!!! Misty seriously loves Ash!!! Misty kissed Ash!!! Ash and Misty are a great couple for the series. People know that Misty and Ash are in love!!! I also think that they are a better couple. THEY ARE WAY BETTER THAN ASH AND DAWN. they are the best couple EVER They are such a cute couple and hopeful they end up together because misty is much more prettier than Dawn Dawn is the most ugliest character ever in Pokemon and again ash and misty belong with each other I agree that Misty likes Ash, but i don't know if Ash likes Misty as much. Ash is kinda blind when it comes to stuff like that. I do know that he has a speacial frendship with her though; considering that he does not want to give Dawn Mistys fishing lure. But i could see Ash with misty or dawn. Misty because he started with her. And dawn cause they seem to have more in common and they are the same age. But then again Misty and ash seem to have a strange relationship in which they seem to argue over non important things that could possibly just be used to hide their love for each other. I truly do not know the truth and neither does anyone else. I do hope that they start relationships with each other in the future. I do not realy know whos side i am on. i hope i helped. Misty surely likes Ash. She does always look at him with sparkling and full of love eyes. In the Orange Islands that gym leader, Rudy, had been flriting her, but she decided to go with Ash and NOT to stay with Rudy. And when she helped Ash at his battle with Rudy, Rudy whispered: oooh... she wants him..... And when Ash was ready to leave, Rudy said to him: You are very lucky.... one day ull understand... Misty really loves him... And about Ash....i think he likes her, he was jealous an sad when she hanged out with Rudy, and there have been many times that he looked at her with admiration and said she was beautiful. And when he "died: in Lavender town, his first word when he woke up was: Misty... (episode: Lavender Tower) And of course they are always worrying for each other, and then arguing and then smiling to each other. And all of their friends tell that they shoyld be together..... and their reactions to that are excactly what we always expect.... angry!!! COME ON!!!!! MISTY AND ASH AINT IN LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
yep..i dont no in what episode, but she comes back for a 2nd time...yay misty!
Yes , In a whole other season though
its has never happend but i hope it will and my favorite person is misty! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ash is really suppose to meet Misty in an episode after he meets may and joins back up with Brock.Then sometime after wards Togepi evolves.
most likely thay will never completely drop any of the main charicters thay will appear again at some point
after running from the large group of spearow, ash and pikachu fall down a hill and crash into misty, breaking her bike. thats how he met misty....idk how he met gary
The Pokémon episode during the Advanced series when Ash meets up with Misty again is titled "The Princess and the Togepi."
I think you ment Brock, that was the episode when they meet Bill and they go in the lighthouse and meet a strange pokemon It's called 'Mystery in the Lighthouse'. Not that I love BrockXMisty, but they did dance, and Misty and Ash never did.
in master quest
In the Original Pokemon series, Misty did like Ash as a friend. To be honest, Misty really liked Ash.
its only misty noot may or dawn only misty.