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Yes Misty loves Ash!!!

Misty seriously loves Ash!!!

Misty kissed Ash!!!

Ash and Misty are a great couple for the series.

People know that Misty and Ash are in love!!!

I also think that they are a better couple.


they are the best couple EVER

They are such a cute couple and hopeful they end up together

because misty is much more prettier than Dawn

Dawn is the most ugliest character ever in Pokemon

and again ash and misty belong with each other

I agree that Misty likes Ash, but i don't know if Ash likes Misty as much. Ash is kinda blind when it comes to stuff like that. I do know that he has a speacial frendship with her though; considering that he does not want to give Dawn Mistys fishing lure. But i could see Ash with misty or dawn. Misty because he started with her. And dawn cause they seem to have more in common and they are the same age. But then again Misty and ash seem to have a strange relationship in which they seem to argue over non important things that could possibly just be used to hide their love for each other. I truly do not know the truth and neither does anyone else. I do hope that they start relationships with each other in the future. I do not realy know whos side i am on.

i hope i helped.

Misty surely likes Ash. She does always look at him with sparkling and full of love eyes. In the Orange Islands that gym leader, Rudy, had been flriting her, but she decided to go with Ash and NOT to stay with Rudy. And when she helped Ash at his battle with Rudy, Rudy whispered: oooh... she wants him.....

And when Ash was ready to leave, Rudy said to him: You are very lucky.... one day ull understand...

Misty really loves him... And about Ash....i think he likes her, he was jealous an sad when she hanged out with Rudy, and there have been many times that he looked at her with admiration and said she was beautiful. And when he "died: in Lavender town, his first word when he woke up was: Misty... (episode: Lavender Tower)

And of course they are always worrying for each other, and then arguing and then smiling to each other. And all of their friends tell that they shoyld be together..... and their reactions to that are excactly what we always expect.... angry!!!

COME ON!!!!! MISTY AND ASH AINT IN LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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13y ago
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12y ago

According to the creators yes. But ash never shows much affection towards misty in Pokemon. So I'm not sure. I'ts quite complicated.

As a friend sure but as a lover NO WAY!!! HAVE YOU SEEN THE WAY SHE TREATS ASH SHE EVEN SLAPPED HIM IN THE DELETED SCENES!!! I say he likes Dawn :)

He definetly doesn't like dawn. I'ts more than obvious misty loves ash but like you said ash is not interested.

Actually, Ash & Misty obviously like each other. It was heavily hinted. One big thing (and I haven't watched the episodes with May and Dawn yet, but I have read hints about AdvanceShipping and PearlShipping) is that Ash never got jealous of anyone flirting with Dawn or May, only with Misty. So yeah, I think Ash likes Misty in Pokémon, and that Misty like him back.

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13y ago

Yes. And so does Ash. Funny thing is, that they are both stubborn and don't like to

show it and try to play it cool.

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No he doesn't like Misty guaranted Misty likes Ash but Ash don't like Misty! Tough luck for Misty because I think Ash like Dawn and I remember that time Dawn kinda over reacted when someone said to her is Ash your boyfriend? It was cute! ;) plus Misty already has someone who admires her and that's Tracey!

No he likes misty and misty likes him because misty over reacted in Pokemon 2000 when melody asked misty if ash was her boyfriend and dawn should go with barry my opinion

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14y ago

I think so

i think misty is a little but im not posotive


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I guess Ash will marry Misty, because how I know is I heard Misty's best friends are her togepi and Ash. Even in Misty's Song Ash and Misty sounded romantic. Besides Misty is one of my favorite Pokemon trainers.

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If i was Ash i would pick Misty XD

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I miss the original Pokemon with Ash, Misty, and Brock. Pokemon used to be amazing, and now it's changed over the years. I really miss the original Pokemon. I love Misty and I miss Misty. Pokemon used to be awesome. The new Pokemon is just not the same. I miss the old Pokemon adventures with Misty and Ash. Misty and Ash need to back together again. IT would be awesome if CN brings back the original Pokemon with Ash, Misty, and Brock for some reruns.

In which Pokemon episode ash see misty back?

I don't know?However Misty hasn't been with Ash in any new episodes lately.I wish Misty was with Ash again.I can see pictures of Ash and Misty in love at the internet.I can see Misty in reran Pokemon episodes such as Pokemon I Choose You, Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village, Charmander the Stray Pokemon, and Here Comes the Squirtle Squad.I can also see Misty in old Pokemon movies such as Pokemon the First Movie, Pokemon the Movie 2000, and Pokemon 3 the Movie.

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