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Club Penguin Came Out on October 24, 2005.

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Related questions

Who was the first penguin user in Club Penguin?

Billy Bob was the first penguin user in Club Penguin.

Will the hoodies come back to club penguin in 2011?

Yes they will. They usually come out in Winter on Club Penguin.

Can you get Club Penguin on playStation 2?

I don't think you can but Club Penguin might come out with club penguin elite penguin force for PS2.....

When did the first club penguin newspaper come out?

The first newspaper came out in May in the year 2006

Who is the first penguin made on Club Penguin?

I think it was Rsnail. He invented Club Penguin. Well there first was Penguin Chat 3, but Rsnail closed that and made Club Penguin. So I'm pretty positive Rsnail is the first penguin made on Club Penguin.

What was Club Penguin's first game?

it was still club penguin

What was the first Club Penguin play?

Space adventure was the first club penguin play

How do you change your igloo background on Club Penguin?

If you go to the Penguin Style catalog, some of the first things that come are the Colors, and Backrounds.

Where are the hidden pins on Club Penguin?

There are to many to name but some will come out on the Club Penguin news

When will the new stamps on Club Penguin come out?

New stamps keep coming out on club penguin.

What day and month do the Club Penguin play awards come out on Club Penguin?

It came out already!

What time does the new catalog in club penguin come out?

The Club Penguin catalog may come out early for a surprise ! And it might hide little items in it . Or the Club Penguin catalog might be late ! It depends .