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I think it was Rsnail. He invented Club Penguin. Well there first was Penguin Chat 3, but Rsnail closed that and made Club Penguin. So I'm pretty positive Rsnail is the first penguin made on Club Penguin.

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Q: Who is the first penguin made on Club Penguin?
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Should I Go On Club Penguin If I'm A Boy?Sure you can! Club Penguin is for boys and girls of all ages, so yes you can. Cool fact: Club Penguin at first was made for boys!

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Bin Weevils was actually first! Although Club Penguin has been out for years, bin weevils was made first. It has changed so quickly.

When was club-penguin first made?

In the fall of 2005.

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Who ever posted this question, I was the first one to invent the Club Penguin Olympics. But can you help me spread the word.

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i did why?

What type of club penguin was first made?

the old ones

Who was the first penguin on Club Penguin when it first came out Rsnail or Billybob?

That's a hard one. My guess is NEITHER. The guy who made Club Penguin probably paid testers to test it. BillyBob and Rsnail never did get to try it first.

How can you make your own Club Penguin?

you cant make your own club penguin. well you can really if you click start create a penguin and you have made a penguin :) hope i made it better :DE SHE OR HE MEANS MAKE A GAME CLUB PENGUIN ( USE SCRATCH)

What year did Club Penguin start in?

Club penguin was made on: the 24th of October 2005.

Who plays Cadence on Club Penguin?

nobody does she is controlled by the company that made club penguin

Is there a penguin named Piemaster99 on Club Penguin?

Yes, there is a penguin named Piemaster99 on Club Penguin. He is very famous. He made a robber group called CPR which stands for CLUB PENGUIN ROBBERY. If you meet him, ask him to by your buddy.