You have to beat the first gym leader, THEN you have to go to the dream yard and defeat team plazma, THEN u have to go back to fennels house and get the C-Gear and the Pal Pad. Only then can you do it. You dont just "beat the gym leader like all the other games" play the actual game and you'd know
after beating the first gym like in all the games
in the union building
To change your appearance in Pokemon Platinum's Union Room you need to talk to an NPC in the Oreburgh Pokemon Center. The NPC in question has the appearance of a Psychic trainer.
You trade in the union room with another person.
Yes but only if you have wifi.
You beat the first gym leader
Well, first and only you have to DIEDIEDIE
you go into the union room at the top of a pokemon center XD jackass
nope. Heart gold has no idea black even exists. apologies. I wanted to do it too :(
in the union building
all you really need is 1. Pokemon black or white 2.Pokemon hg /ss 3. 2 nintendos and 4. just trade by the Pokemon center union room
the union room
I think the only way to do it is the Union Room. The one that doesn't require friend codes, or wi-fi connection. :) Hope this helped!
Because of the Celebi event, it should. You just use the Union Room. No friend codes or wi-fi connection required! ;)
You can't, because they are using an emulator on the computer.
I think the only way to do it is the Union Room. The one that doesn't require friend codes, or wi-fi connection. :) Hope this helped!
upstairs in the Pokemon center first door