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Q: Will Pokemon platinum let you trade Pokemon from diamond and pearl to platinum in the union room?
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Pokemon Diamond how do you get magmorter?

You trade Magmar from Pokemon pearl,diamond,or platinum to ether Pokemon pearl,diamond,or platinum.

How do you get razor claw in Pokemon Platinum?

you can not get it from Pokemon platinum you can trade in to diamond or pearl

How do you get shaeman on Pokemon Platinum?

trade from Pokemon pearl or diamond.

How do you trade Pokemon from platinum to HeartGold?

yes. you can trade Pokemon from diamond, pearl, or platinum to heartgold or soulsilver.

How do you get craniodous in pokemon pearl?

You have to trade it with Diamond or Platinum.

Can you trade HeartGold to platinum?

you can trade Pokemon from heartgold and soulsilver to your diamond,pearl, or platinum.

Can you pass Pokemon from diamond to platinum?

Yes, you can trade them from diamond and pearl

Can you mirgrate Pokemon from Pokemon Pearl to platinum?

no but you can trade between platinum and pearl/diamond if you have 2 Nintendo ds's.

How do you get dakray in Pokemon Platinum?

the only way to get it is to trade it from Pokemon diamond or pearl you can get it on diamond and pearl by special events

Is it possible to trade from Pokemon Platinum to Pokemon?

It is possible to trade Pokemon platinum to diamond and pearl, but you cannot trade to any other game.

What is gts on Pokemon platinum?

It is a international trade system in platinum diamond and pearl

What games will Pokemon Platinum trade with?

Diamond, pearl, and other platinum versions