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Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon ability allows the user to special summon a dragon from their hand or graveyard once per turn. This effect how ever restarts upon it's destruction and being replaced to the field or being removed from the field and replayed. In any case or condition; As long as Red eyes is removed from the field and placed back on the field, that his effect can be reactivated.


The ability of any creature of their "once per turn effect" remains against it self once it has used it's effect and remains on the field. Regardless of being flipped face down and being re flipped face up. We already know that it is the very same creature, the very same card, the very monster who has used that effect for that turn.

That being noted: When a monster is how ever replayed, it is taken as if the creature was never played before, at least to a point of condition.

Other words: Red eyes darkness metal dragon has not used his effect yet currently that turn for it is taken as a brand new "Red eyes Darkness metal dragon" being played. There for his effect can be reactivated. This is due to a simple Yu-Gi-Oh combo called "Reset."

Reset is evolving monsters being removed from the field and being replayed. The same as a card called "Honest." Even if you used the effect of honest that turn and sent it to the graveyard. For what ever so reason if the same honest was sent back to your hand on that very turn and you could reuse the honest card for what ever reason. Then you can.

The "Once per turn." Only becomes once depending on the condition> Like wise as stated: If the monster that has used it remains on the field with out ever being removed, then the effect can only be used once per turn. (Unless some card out there breaks that...but till then.)

One last example I like to point out and a very special one I like to state: Dasher.

Destiny Hero- Dasher ability when in the grave yard allows you to special summon a monster that you drew during your draw phrase after you reveal them that monster that can be special summon. If Dasher, the very dasher was sent out from the graveyard and placed back in. His effect would reset once more and allow you to use his effect once again.


Once more: The monster Dasher even though we both know he did his effect and even though he was re sent to the graveyard, he was the one that used it. He is now treated as a replayed creature or a monster that has not yet used his effect. Besides: A creature ability is granted the very turn they are played. It is an automatic rule. Any monster with an effect has their ability upon played. Thus once more: When a monster is replayed after being removed from the field, the once per turn ability is reset.

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Q: When Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon has used his effect to special summon a dragon and he is then destroyed and special summoned that turn can he use the same effect again?
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When Light and Darkness Dragon is destroyed can i revive it using it's effect?

Light and Darkness Dragon's first line of text says that it cannot be special summoned. Therefore when it is destroyed and its last effect triggers, it cannot choose itself.

Can you special summon five headed dragon with red-eyes darkness metal dragon effect?

No you cannot. When a monster says it 'cannot be special summoned except by..' it means that's the only way it can ever reach the field. Five-Headed Dragon can't be special summoned, except by Fusion Summoning it. Even if you fusion summon it and it is destroyed, it can't be brought back to the field by cards like Call of the Haunted, or Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.

Can you summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon with Ultimate Offering?

No, "Ultimate Offering" cannot be used to Summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon" ("REDD"). "REDD" can only be Special Summoned and "Ultimate Offering" only functions with Normal Summons and Sets. You must Tribute a "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" on your side of the field to Special Summon this card from your hand.

How do you summon a 'Malefic Stardust Dragon'?

It can't be Normal Summoned or Set, and can't be special summoned except by removing from play a Stardust Dragon from your Extra Deck.

Can you Special summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon by removing from play 1 dragon type monster from your graveyard Cause my friend used to do it and he said It can be special summoned from that way?

A monster 'you control' is one that's on your side of the field, in your Monster Zone. Only one on the field can be used to pay Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's summon cost, you cannot use one in the graveyard.

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When Light and Darkness Dragon is destroyed can i revive it using it's effect?

Light and Darkness Dragon's first line of text says that it cannot be special summoned. Therefore when it is destroyed and its last effect triggers, it cannot choose itself.

How do you special summon light and darkness dragon?

You can't. It says in its text "This card can not be special summoned."

Can you special summon five headed dragon with red-eyes darkness metal dragon effect?

No you cannot. When a monster says it 'cannot be special summoned except by..' it means that's the only way it can ever reach the field. Five-Headed Dragon can't be special summoned, except by Fusion Summoning it. Even if you fusion summon it and it is destroyed, it can't be brought back to the field by cards like Call of the Haunted, or Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.

When Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon has used his effect to special summon a dragon and he is then destroyed and special summoned that turn can he use the same effect again?

No. The text has been changed but the effect remains the same, first it was a 'cannot be special summoned except by..' monster, which means only the listed method could ever be used, it was not the kind that could be brought back assuming you summoned it properly first. Now it says "Must be summoned by....cannot be summoned in any other way", again, it doesn't matter if you properly summoned it, it can't be summoned back from the graveyard.

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As long as the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' was properly summoned initially, by Fusion Summon, and was then destroyed, then yes, you can resummon it from the graveyard with 'Call of the Haunted'. If the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' got to the graveyard by the following methods - sent from Extra Deck by 'Gale Dogra', special summoned but not Fusion Summoned by 'Cyber Stein', or had its Fusion Summon negated, then it cannot be special summoned from the graveyard.

Can malefic blue eyes be special summoned after being special summoned the right way and no field card is on the field?

Because it is an 'only be special summoned by..' monster, that means it can be special summoned by cards like Monster Reborn, after it was summoned properly but was destroyed. Note that a field spell card is in no way part of Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon's summon condition. MB-EWD will simply be destroyed if it is ever face-up on the field, and no Field Spell Card is in play. So if Monster Reborn was used in this case, MB-EWD would be special summoned, and then destroy itself.

Are you able to summon Koa'ki Meiru Maximus by the effect of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon?

If Koa'ki Meiru Maximus was properly special summoned first by the listed text, before it went to the graveyard, then it can be resummoned by effects like Call of the Haunted or Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. If it wasn't properly summoned though, then it can't be resummoned.

Can you summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon with Ultimate Offering?

No, "Ultimate Offering" cannot be used to Summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon" ("REDD"). "REDD" can only be Special Summoned and "Ultimate Offering" only functions with Normal Summons and Sets. You must Tribute a "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" on your side of the field to Special Summon this card from your hand.

Can you special summon blue eyes shining dragon from the graveyard?

No, Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon says it cannot be special summoned 'except by' tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. If a card says it can 'only' be special summoned by a certain way, then if you do that properly, but the monster is destroyed, then you are allowed to use Monster Reborn on it. But for the 'except by' monsters, the listed text is the only way to get them on the field. You cannot special summon them back from the graveyard, even if you did properly summon them first.

Can you bring Back chaos emperor dragon with decoy dragon?

As long as the Chaos Emperor Dragon had been properly special summoned initially before it went to the graveyard, then yes, it can be resummoned by cards like Call of the Haunted or Decoy Dragon.. That's because it is a 'only be special summoned by' monster, for which the above rules apply. If it were a 'cannot be special summoned except by' monster, like Dark Armed Dragon, then you cannot resummon it from the graveyard, even if properly summoned beforehand.

How do you summon a 'Malefic Stardust Dragon'?

It can't be Normal Summoned or Set, and can't be special summoned except by removing from play a Stardust Dragon from your Extra Deck.

If your opponent special summons 'Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon' and special summons a 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' and you activate 'Bottomless Trap Hole' are they both removed?

It depends how they are summoned. Bottomless Trap Hole can remove multiple monsters, but only when summoned by the same source. If a player used Monster Reborn and chained Call of the Haunted, then both will resolve, summoning the two monsters. However Bottomless Trap Hole can only be used against the one that was summoned last. If both were summoned simultaneously, by, say, Flute of Summoning Dragon, then Bottomless Trap Hole can respond to this one source of special summon after resolution, to destroy and remove both monsters. One other situation is the player summons the Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, and then uses its effect to summon a Blue-Eyes. You could chain BTH to Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's effect activation, you will destroy and remove it, but the Blue-Eyes will still be summoned after. Or, you could allow the Blue-Eyes to be summoned first, and respond to that summon, destroying and removing Blue-Eyes. But because both monsters are summoned from different sources, you will not be able to destroy and remove them both.