Episode 214: Vegeta's Pride.
Goku turns to USSJ (Ultra Super Saiyan) and USSJ2 in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He turns to SSJ2 while fighting Majin Vegeta.
Dragon Ball Z Kai episode 47
In the fictional TV series Dragon Ball, and all its successors, it is possible for a normal human to become a Super Saiyan by use of a Dragon Ball wish. Otherwise, according to Goku, a Saiyan unlocks the Super Saiyan transformation in a time of great need. However, Vegeta became a Super Saiyan just by desperately wanting to surpass Goku.
Goku goes super saiyan 3 episode 246 in dragon ball z the episode name is super saiyan 3?! So its kinda hard to miss
episode 35
finish the gt saga in dragon history
Majin Goku
in Dragon ball AF he turn in to super saiyan 5
Super Saiyan 3 is the last Super Saiyan level in Dragon Ball Z. Goku acquires this level when he fights with Buu. In Dragon Ball GT, Goku and Vegeta both become Super Saiyan 4, but that's after Dragon Ball Z.
Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 Then Goku Super saiyan 4
Yes, and i believe he turns Super Saiyan 5 in Dragon Ball Hoshi
He turned into a Super Saiyan.
Yep, he does in Dragon Ball GT.
Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Goku--- Super Saiyan 2-27 was released on: USA: 23 May 1998
GOKU He IS very strong or vegeta