You can attack your opponent's face-down monsters. You cannot attack his face-down S/T cards though.
Normal Monsters Effect Monsters Fusion Monsters Ritual Monsters Synchro Monsters XYZ Monsters Spell Cards Trap Cards
The following monsters inflict damage to your opponent when destroyed. Some of these effects will depend on whether you or your opponent destroyed it and/or if it was destroyed in battle or by a card effect:AbakiEarthbound Immortal Aslla piscuBalloon LizardMecha-Dog MarronOxygeddon
Unless specifically stated otherwise (like through Soul Exchange, for example), tributes must be from amongst cards you control. You can't tribute an opponent's monster unless a card specifically says you can.
The benefits of equipping a monster to another monster varies, depending on the card. In the case of Union monsters, they usually have the ability to save your monster from destruction by sending themselves to the graveyard, and some have added bonuses, like "Heavy Mech Support Platform" adds 500 attack to your monster. "Dragunity" is an archetype built around equipping low level Dragon-type monsters to Winged Beast-type monsters, with various effects, but no protection effect. Other cards like "Allure Queen" and "Destiny Hero - Plasma" allow you to equip your opponent's monster(s) to them, thus removing potential threats from their field. Plasma also has the added benefit of gaining attack points equal to half the equipped monster's, and negating all of your opponent's monster effects.
You can attack your opponent's face-down monsters. You cannot attack his face-down S/T cards though.
its attack is the combined total the three monsters you tribute to summon it combine there attack points and that's its attack points and its defense points are the three monsters you tribute defense points. You put your lifepoints at 100, and whatever you subtracted is his attack and defense.
A beatdown deck is a deck that focuses on summoning and attacking your opponent with high attack point monsters. Beatdown inclined monsters often have high attack points, but usually trade off the potential for a useful effect (or even have a hurtful effect) for higher attack points. In the case of monsters that are level 4 or under, you will be looking for attack power of near 2000. For one-tributers, you'll want something in the upper twenty thousands (2600 and up), and two-tributers should probably have around 3000 attack points. What gives beatdown decks their niche is the fact that they are usually not very "set-up" intensive, and just summoning your monsters and protecting them long enough to take down your opponent can lead you to victory. When compared to other strategies, beatdown decks are usually much less reliant on specific cards. One mistake that is commonly made when constructing beatdown decks is to focus entirely on filling the deck with powerful monsters. Cards that protect your monsters, special summon your monsters quickly, or remove opponent monsters from the field are still just as important.
Yes, there are still a few ways your opponent can attack you even if you have twoMarauding Captain cards face-up on your side of the field. Your opponent can still attack: face-down monsters.non-Warrior-Type monsters.your Life Points directly if a card effect will allow it.Multiple face-upMarauding Captain monstersonly prevent your opponent from attacking any face-up Warrior-Type monsters you control.
Ordeal of a Traveler-Which gives your opponent a chance to choose one of the cards in your hand if, he calls the wrong type(monster, spell, trap) the attacking monster returns to his hand. Fairy Box-when your opponent declare an attack, toss a coin, if you call it rght the attacking monster's attack points become zero. Metal Reflect Slime-whenever you run out of monsters to summon you can activate this trap card and it is special summoned to the field with 3000 defense. Solemn Wishes-Gives you 500 life points each time you draw a card. Robbing Goblin-Makes your opponent discard one random card each time one of your monsters inflict dameage on you opponent's life points. Hope this helps.
you can tribute 2 monsters on your field to destroy all your opponent monsters on the field and attack your opponent's life directly but if you opponent has another god then you only attack your opponent's life since the god cards can not be removed from the field by the effect of spell,trap and monster effect any other card's effect can be used for 1 turn then it's destroyed if it's continuous and the gods can not change controller's . or tribute 2 monsters to make it's attack infinity. i hope this helped.
Lord of D. cannot stop cards that DO NOT TARGET. As it would be unreasonable to list every card that can achieve this, the cards listed below would be some examples:Mirror ForceTRAP/NormalActivate only when an opponent's monster declares an attack. Destroy all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls.Torrential TributeTRAP/NormalActivate only when a monster is Summoned. Destroy all monsters on the field.FissureSPELL/NormalDestory 1 face-up monster your opponent controls that has the lowest ATK. (If it's a tie, you get to choose.)Smashing GroundSPELL/NormalDestroy the 1 face-up monster your opponent controls that has the highest DEF. (If it's a tie, you get to choose.)RaigekiSPELL/NormalDestroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field.
Raviel: You must tribute 3 of your fiend type monsters to summon him, you may tribute a monster to increase his attack by the attack of the tributed monster until the end of the turn. Hamon: You must tribute 3 of your face up continuous spell cards to summon him, if he is in defense mode you opponent can not attack your other monsters, if you destroy your opponent card by attacking with him you inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. Uria: You must tribute 3 of your face up continuous trap cards to summon him, he gains 1000 attack(he has 0 by deafault) for every continuous trap card in your gaveyard, in addition once each turn you can destroy one of your opponets set spell or trap cards.
Only your opponent can equip Horn of Light to one of your own monsters, and I'm not sure why he/she would. Also, only your opponent can use its effect to pay life points to place it on the top of the deck. The only way you could get your opponent's Horn of Light in your hand is with hand-exchanging cards like Exchange; however these cards are not used frequently.
|No slifers attack points are determined by the number of cards you hold in your hand and its ability to weaken monsters by 2000 or destroy them
I'm going to assume you mean Crush Card Virus. How it works is you tribute a dark attribute monster you control that has 1000 or less attack, such as a Saggi the Dark Clown or Yubel, and then you look at all the monsters your opponent has on their side of the field (face up and face down), all the cards in their hand, and all the cards that they draw until their third draw phase after you activated Crush Card Virus and you destroy all of their monsters that have 1500 or more attack points.
No, you cannot attack your monsters on your side of the field.The exception to this rule are the cards Magical Arm Shield (MAS) and Ancient Lamp. If your opponent activates MAS, they will take control of 1 of your face-up monsters, except the attacking monster, and it is attacked instead. Ancient Lamp can make 1 your attacking monster attack another monster on your field instead.