The benefits of equipping a monster to another monster varies, depending on the card. In the case of Union monsters, they usually have the ability to save your monster from destruction by sending themselves to the graveyard, and some have added bonuses, like "Heavy Mech Support Platform" adds 500 attack to your monster. "Dragunity" is an archetype built around equipping low level Dragon-type monsters to Winged Beast-type monsters, with various effects, but no protection effect. Other cards like "Allure Queen" and "Destiny Hero - Plasma" allow you to equip your opponent's monster(s) to them, thus removing potential threats from their field. Plasma also has the added benefit of gaining attack points equal to half the equipped monster's, and negating all of your opponent's monster effects.
I run a very good dragon deck and the only equip card I run is Axe of Despair. 1000 attack.
Same as when you use a regular Equip Spell card on the opponent's monster, the monster acting as an Equip Spell Card goes to your own S/T zone.
No, the Equip card stays on your side of the field, and is under your control.
No, face-down monsters cannot be equipped.
The Equip happens on resolution of an Ignition Effect. Book of Moon can be chained to that. The target monster will flip face-down and then the Equip effect will resolve without effect because it can't equip to a Set monster. Inzektor Hornet will not move from whatever zone it started in.
If an Equip Spell Card is sent back to the Deck, it is no longer equipped to a monster, and therefore, the monster does not gain the benefits. If a monster equipped with an Equip Spell Card is sent back to the Deck, the Equip Spell Card is destroyed.
The equip spell is sent to the graveyard and the monster returns to your hand as usual :)
I run a very good dragon deck and the only equip card I run is Axe of Despair. 1000 attack.
Same as when you use a regular Equip Spell card on the opponent's monster, the monster acting as an Equip Spell Card goes to your own S/T zone.
No, even if your Equip cards Equip to your opponent's monster, or if your monster who has an Equip card has control switched to the opponent, the Equip card itself remains on your side of the field.
You do.
No, the Equip card stays on your side of the field, and is under your control.
As long as there is a valid target, Flint will trigger and re-equip to a monster after the previous equip target is destroyed. That may mean it has to equip one of your own monsters, you can't just decide not to allow it to come back, it does so as a mandatory effect as long as there is indeed something it can equip to.
No, face-down monsters cannot be equipped.
It becomes an Equip Card when it resolves, and as such, will remain on the field until it loses its target - like if the equipped monster is flipped face-down or leaves the field.
The Equip Spell card is called "Ekibyo Drakmord".
The Equip happens on resolution of an Ignition Effect. Book of Moon can be chained to that. The target monster will flip face-down and then the Equip effect will resolve without effect because it can't equip to a Set monster. Inzektor Hornet will not move from whatever zone it started in.