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Keep, Keeper, Bookkeeper, See, Cheese.

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Q: What words have ee in them?
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Which five-letter words have 'ee' in it?

Some five letter words that contain 'ee' are:agreebeechbleedbreedcheepcheekcheercreedcreekcreelcreepemceefleetgeesegreedGreekgreengreetkneelleechpayeepureequeenqueerrupeesheensheepsheersheetsleeksleepspreesteedsteelsteepsteersweepsweetteeththreetweedtweetwheel

How do you pronounce Latin words ending in -ii?

Break the two 'i's apart: ee-ee.

As many ee words a possible?


List of words with ee in beginning?


Words with ei and the sound ee?


Three letter words with suffix ee?

The letter combination 'ee' is not normally a suffix; there are no three letter words that include 'ee' as a suffix. Sometimes, informally, we make our own words for effect. For example, the three letter verb 'act'; the person who does it is the actor so you might say the person who is the recipient or audience is the 'actee'.There are some three letter words that end in 'ee' but it is not a suffix, it's the actual spelling of the word:beeceedeefeegeejeeleeneepeereeseeteeveeweezee

Words with the letters ee as in deer?

Words that have double E in them are:agreebeebeenbeerbeetbleedbreedcheekcheercheesecreedcreekcreepdecreedeeddeemdegreedungareeeerieemceeemployeeengineerfeedfeelfleecefleetfreefreedomfreezegeegleegreedgreengreetHalloweenheedheelkeelkeepkneeleeleerlesseeleveemarqueemeekmeetpeepeekpeelpreenqueenqueerredeemreedreefreekreelscreechscreenseeseedseekseenseepsheensheepsheetsleepsneezesoireespeechspeedspleenspreesqueeksqueezesteedsteeplesteerteeteemteenTennesseetepeetheethreetreetweedtweettweezersveerveneerweeweedweekweepwheelwheeze

What English words start with ee?

Eel and eerie.

What are the latin words for beginning?

Initium (in-IHT-ee-oom)

What is take this in Korean words?

ee guh kah juh

When do you use ea and not ee?

You typically use "ea" when you want the "ee" sound in words like "tea" or "read." However, there are exceptions, like in words that come from other languages, such as "pizza" or "cafe." On the other hand, you use "ee" when you want the long "e" sound, like in words like "bee" or "see."

What rhymes with decrease?

releasing teasinglast two syllables only:(ee-seeng) ceasing fleecing (ever) increasing greasing unceasingplus any "ee" (prononounced) ending words with the word "sing" e.g. we singplus near rhymes(ee-seen) Nativity scene (nowhere to) be seen plus "ee" ending words with the words "scene" or "seen"or(ee-zeeng) easing nonfreezing pleasing (quick-) freezing seizing unfreezing subfreezing teasing unpleasing wheezing