There are 1,828 words containing "ei" inthe TWL, (the Scrabble dictionary). Here is a small sample:weightinessesweightingweightlessweightlesslyweightlessnessweightsweightyweimaranerweimaranersweinerweinersweirweirdweirdedweirderweirdestweirdieweirdiesweirdingweirdlyweirdnessweirdnessesweirdoweirdoesweirdosweirdsweirdyweirsweisenheimerweisenheimerswelterweightwelterweightswhereinwhereintowhingeingwisenheimerwisenheimersxantheinxantheinsxenogeneicyahrzeityahrzeitsyuppieishzeinzeinszeitgeberzeitgeberszeitgeistzeitgeistszoogloeic
vein, sleigh, freight, eight weigh, their, beige, veil,
Many words end with a double-e and a long e sound. Referee is a common one, but abductee, addressee, honeybee, pedigree, and guarantee all match this description as well.
Words that have double E in them are:agreebeebeenbeerbeetbleedbreedcheekcheercheesecreedcreekcreepdecreedeeddeemdegreedungareeeerieemceeemployeeengineerfeedfeelfleecefleetfreefreedomfreezegeegleegreedgreengreetHalloweenheedheelkeelkeepkneeleeleerlesseeleveemarqueemeekmeetpeepeekpeelpreenqueenqueerredeemreedreefreekreelscreechscreenseeseedseekseenseepsheensheepsheetsleepsneezesoireespeechspeedspleenspreesqueeksqueezesteedsteeplesteerteeteemteenTennesseetepeetheethreetreetweedtweettweezersveerveneerweeweedweekweepwheelwheeze
Eel and eerie.
If you mean words that have the same sound as ie or ei such as receive or believe that is a long ee sound :- speed, reed, deed, read, heed, mead, need, knead.
The 'ei' sound typically makes the 'ay' sound as in "say" or "way." It is a diphthong, which means it combines two vowel sounds together.
No, "green" and "vein" do not have the same vowel sound. "Green" has the long 'ee' sound /iː/ while "vein" has the long 'ay' sound /eɪ/.
The EA pair has a long E vowel sound, as in lean and leak. The EE sound is heard in several spellings: E words such as be, me, and we E words with a silent E, such as gene, scene, and eve EE words such as feet, meet, and greet EA words such as read, steal, leave, and seat EI words such as weird IE words such as wield and yield I word marine Y ending words such as baby, crazy, and silly
Yes, the word "eighteen" has a long e sound, pronounced as /eɪ/ in English.
The sound in "been" is a short i sound (bin). This is practically a unique sound for the EE pair, although in French words they can have a long A sound (puree, soiree, toupee).
Words that have the same vowel sound as "cheer" include "peer," "fear," "near," and "dear." These words all contain the long "ee" vowel sound, which is a diphthong made up of the sounds /i/ and /ə/. This sound is commonly found in words with the "ee" vowel combination.
In chinese, beautiful is pronounced "mei li" (美丽). When you say the two words, make sure to say it with emphasis in the "ei" and "i (pronounced ee)" part in order to make it sound Chinese.
The EA pair has a long E sound, as in the rhyming words cleave, peeve, sleeve, grieve, and believe. Other EA words with the long E are beat, team, and mean. The long E sound is also in words with E - reply, repair EE - feet, need, green EI and IE - receive, brief
Depending on where you are from: either neither