The word is wring. Wring means to squeeze something to force liquid from it.
The word pizzazz ends with a z. It means the quality of being exciting or attractive.
Ingurgitating means overeat or eat immodestly; is a word that starts and ends with ing.
One such word is comic.
A word that ends with 'ible' and means that can be eaten is edible.
The word valid means true and the word faulty means false.
The word that means something fake or false is "counterfeit."
The word is wring. Wring means to squeeze something to force liquid from it.
To make up a story is to fabricate, to concoct, or to contrive a false explanation.
Benumb is a 6 letter word. It means to make numb.
The word that ends in "ant" and means sleeping is "recreant." It refers to someone who is cowardly or unfaithful.
The word pizzazz ends with a z. It means the quality of being exciting or attractive.
Adieus is a word. The word means goodbye.
Latin for 'false explanation' is 'falsa explicatio'.