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One such word is comic.

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Q: A word that means foolish or silly ends with an c?
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What does daft mean?

The word daft in most cases means silly or foolish.

What does tonta mean from Tagalog?

"Tonta" is not a Tagalog word. It is a Spanish word that means "foolish" or "silly".

What does tomfoolery mean?

Tomfoolery is foolish or silly behavior. It is a noun.

What does the word bobo mean in spanish?

In Spanish, "bobo" can mean "silly" or "foolish" when referring to a person. It can also refer to a type of bread roll in some regions.

How to use foolish in a sentence?

Foolish means "not wise", "silly", or even "ignorant." It is a word that is frequently used as a synonym for stupid. "Olivia's foolish answer made her blush with shame." "John felt foolish when he missed the point of the question."

What does silly mean?

silly means that you are stupid and don't know anything Silly means to be goofy or foolish. Also, see definition below: # Exhibiting a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish. See synonyms at # Lacking seriousness or responsibleness; frivolous: indulged in silly word play; silly pet names for each other. # Semiconscious; dazed: knocked silly by the impact.

What is a silly word that ends with an?


What part of speech is the word silly?

The word "silly" can be either an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it describes something or someone as lacking seriousness or good sense. As a noun, it refers to a person who behaves in a foolish or trivial manner.

What is antonym of foolish?

unwise, silly, absurd, rash, senseless, foolhardy, ill-judged, imprudent

What does the word buffoonery mean and is it a real word or slang?

Buffoonery means behavior that is silly, foolish, or ridiculous. It is a real word that is used to describe someone's clownish or absurd actions.

What is a synonym for the word featherbrained?

foolish, silly, brainless, empty-headed, giddy

What is another word for foolish or crazy?

Insane, cracked, nuts, silly, looney.