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Q: What word means a division of a main subject or group?
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Division of anthropology?

there are 4 main divisions- social, cultural, linguistics and archaeology (which is normally studied as a separate subject) hope I helped.

What is the smallest main scale division in a vernier scale with 50 divisions?

The smallest main scale division in a vernier scale with 50 divisions is 1/50th of the main scale division. This is because each division on the vernier scale corresponds to 1/50th of a main scale division, allowing for more precise measurements to be made.

What is delayed subject?

delayed subject means something that you never related to the topic. such as if you write about the school. you dont have to mention the main subject whiich is dog.

What does it mean 'the head hog of the trough?

It means the leader of the pack . Like , the main person out of the group

Difference between a subsidiary and a division?

The difference between a subsidiary and a division is how they operate. A subsidiary is a separate business owned by the main parent company. A division is a portion of the main business.

On a job application what does major mean?

I guess it means what was the main subject area you studied at college

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What are are the main division?

Physics, Chemistry and Biology are main divisions of science.

What is called a group of words that express a complete thought and contains a subject and a verb?

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought and contains a subject and a verb. It conveys a complete idea and can stand alone as a unit of communication.

What is the subject agreement?

Subject-verb-object is the normal - but by no means the only - order of the main ideas in a simple declarative sentence. "Agreement" is another matter.

What is largest group of arthopods?

insects are the largest group of arthopods insect has 3 pair of legs ,2 body division the 2 body divisions is the thorax and the abdommen the abdomen is the main body of the insect and the thorax is the head, eye,and, anteannea