The concept of the Pokémon universe, in both the Video Games and the general fictional world of Pokémon, stems from the hobby of insect collecting.
Pokemon were a Japanese idea based on the earlier idea of Pocket Monsters.
first you go to the very first screen where it says to push start then you press start and it says mystery gift go to it and there you are
First go to game corner and start the game and play
If your friend or brother or anybody has Pokemon diamond or pearl, give them your chosen starter Pokemon, start a new game, get turtwig and get the original starter Pokemon have 2 pick it when u r choosing your first Pokemon because it is a starter
Arceus was the Pokemon who created the world and the first Pokemon in it Mew therefore Arceus came first but still leaving Mew the first Pokemon.
yes From Tate Mistaglia
It depends on what the Pokemon is.
well, first you should find a Pokemon that exists. and start from there.
train them a lot to around 20
The first water type Pokemon that you can get is Totodile which is one of the starter Pokemon.
I have no idea what a masteon is. I have no idea what a masteon is.
ok first click start then click on one of your Pokemon and summary. Then on the first page of your pokemons summary it will say id number. that is the number of the Pokemon
on the first city where you start the game
First you start with an idea of what the circuit will do.
Probably, an idea or concept.
At the start,go to oak's lab,then he will tell you to chose a Pokemon the first Pokemon will be bulbasaur.
well this isn't exacly a cheat, but it is a very good idea and it works. First start your game and choose one of the starters, Secondly talk a friend who just got the game into trading one of your Pokemon for a starter Pokemon. then after you trade, your friend can delete their game and start again with the starter Pokemon you don't have, then trade again! Then... Viola! you have all three!