I contacted ganz, and they said they made 12 pets at first. They made the cocker spaniel, the golden retriever, the cow, the pig, the elephant, the black and white cat, the gold and white cat, they st bernard, the basset hound, the hippo, the bear, and the lion.
I think it was the pig or frog or cocker spaniel.
There was never a first Webkinz. The second Webkinz was the pig
Webkinz first made its appearance in 2005!
The Cheeky Dog
First of all, why would a parent want a webkinz? My B-DAY is on July 20 1999! I love cookies. What was my point? Oooooo, I remember now! So, why would a parent want a webkinz? On webkinz I have 6 exclusive rooms, and rare. And i have 177000 kinzcash. And i have 67 webkinz!
You can't. When you first hit LOG IN, that's the closest you can get.
. Well acutally the creators of webkinz were the first
There was never a first Webkinz. The second Webkinz was the pig
the first webkinz was plumpy the hippo
Webkinz first made its appearance in 2005!
The first Webkinz ever was a pig. Check on Webkinz World and look at newspaper. The first one that's there is a pig.
Yes, you can get on webkinz but first, you need a webkinz plushie toy to get the code
What was the first webkinz pet to be made
The Webkinz cocker spaniel.
The very first webkinz ever was the Webkinz cocker spaniel (not the American cocker spaniel but the cocker spaniel) Hope that helps!
Actully they first came out with 15 i think. That includes the basics like the pig and cow. when webkinz first launced there were 12 and the pig was the very first webkinz
the first retired pet is the cocker spaniel which was also the first webkinz pet.
First, you have to have a webkinz toy to get a code. And then you can join! Hope this helps!