You can find relicanth on route 4
You find relicanth underwater near sootopolis city.
no you can get a relicanth at the bottom of the sea
You can catch it when you use dive.
Relicanth's SpeedBeing an ancient Pokemon, Relicanth is a Rock-type, and most Rock-type Pokemon are slow, like Geodude and Shuckle, unlike Onix and Aerodactyl.
geodude, graveler, rhyhorn, relicanth, regirock, nosepass,
Relicanth doesn't evolve
No, Relicanth does not evolve.
In Pokemon Emerald, Relicanth can be found underwater while using the move Dive in specific locations. Relicanth is typically found in underwater seaweed patches in Routes 124, 126, 128, and 130. It is a Water/Rock-type Pokemon known for its high Defense and HP stats, making it a sturdy addition to a team.
Relicanth can be found in the grass underwater..u need dive for this.
Relicanth dont evlove period.
no you do not have to catch a relicanth to get a rayquaza
You can find relicanth on route 4
yes relicanth is rare because it is a living fossil Pokemon