You find relicanth underwater near sootopolis city.
Relicanth is a Rock and Water type pokemon.
You have to use the Super Rod on Route 226.
u go to route four and go to ur left and there should be a pond that u fish in there is relicanth
You don't need to defeat the Pokemon league to find relicanth in emerald version you can find it anytime underwater near Mossdeep city its very rare to find though so you may have to stay in the grass underwater for a long time.
No, Relicanth does not evolve.
You can find them in Route 4 of Pokemon Black and White 1 & 2.
In Route 4, when you fish in rippling water. There's a 60% of it being Relicanth.
You find relicanth underwater near sootopolis city.
Relicanth does not evolve.
near sootopolist
You can't catch Relicanth. You have to trade from Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire or any other game that has him captured.
Relicanth, a Pokemon essential for obtaining The legendary Golems, can be found underwater, just outside of the entrance to Sootopolis. Its pretty rare.
Relicanth is a Rock and Water type pokemon.
Dive somewhere on the sea routes and in the grass down there you can sometimes find relicanth along with clampearl.
on Routes 204/205/206