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Lucario is a fighting and steel type Pokemon.

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Q: What type of Pokemon is Lucario?
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Related questions

What element does Lucario have?

Lucario is a fighting and steel type Pokemon.

Who is lucario?

Lucario is a Pokemon that is fighting and steel type. It's National Pokedex #448 and Sinnoh #116.

Which fighting type pokemon is famous?

i would say lucario is.

What Pokemon is best for beating Lucario?

a ground type or a fire type!! hope it help

What city is the third gym in pokemon platinum?

The fighting gym, Maylene is the leader. Her Pokemon are machoke, medicham and lucario. Be careful lucario is fighting steel type. machoke-27 medicham-27 lucario-30

Is Lucario a bad Pokemon?

Lucario isn't that bad! It's a Fighting-Steel Type Pokemon that learns some pretty good moves. It just depends on your opinion.

How do you find Lucario in the sapphire?

Lucario isn't in Sapphire,Sapphire is a Hoenn pokemon,Lucario is a sinnoh pokemon.

Is lucario the strongest fighting type?

i would say yes for now but if there is any new pokemon it might be stronger than lucario.

What is a Lucario in Pokemon FireRed?

In fire red Lucario is a inexsistable Pokemon because it is a SINNOH Pokemon.

Cool Pokemon in diamond?

The coolest Pokemon in diamond would be Lucario, a fighting and sttel type Pokemon. To get one, you have to help Riley on Iron Island and he will give you a riolu egg. Hatch it and evolve it (by happiness) to get a Lucario.

What element is riolu in Pokemon?

riolu is a fighting type. but when it evloves into lucario its fighting and steel

Does Lucario evolve on Pokemon diamond?

No Lucario does not evolve in any version of Pokemon. Lucario is the fully evolved form of its preceding evolution, Riolu.