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psychc and fighting.

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Q: What type is gallade?
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What type of Pokemon is Gallade?

Gallade is a Psychic and Fighting type pokemon.

What type is the Pokemon Gallade?

Gallade is a Psychic/Fighting-type Pokemon. This type remains the same even when it Mega Evolves as well.

What is the national pokedex number for Gallade?

Gallade is #475 in the national pokedex, and it is a Psychic-Fighting type Pokemon.

What Pokemon are bad against Gallade?

Gallade is both a fighting and psychic type Pokemon. Rock, ghost, dark, grass, and poison Pokemon can be weak against Gallade.

Which is better Roserade or gallade?

In my opinion a fighting type that has spd and attck is all you need for ingame. so gallade for sure.

I Have a Platinum frontier team consisting of Gyarados Garchomp which is more beneficial for my third Pokemon Gallade Or Weavile?

Gallade is. Garchomp and Gallade can learn Dark Type moves, and Gyrados can learn Ice.

What is super effective gallade?

Gallade is weak against Ghost, Flying, and Fairy-type moves. Avoid using Fighting and Rock-type moves as much as possible, for those are its resistances.

What psychic type Pokemon can learn to rock climb in Platinum?

Gallade, but he is psychic fighting type.

Is Gallade a good fighter?

Well, If you teach Gallade the right moves, yes. Teach Gallade the following moves: Majic Leaf{so you can defeat water type Pokemon}, Psychic {it's a good move}, Brick Break {so you can defeat the Dark type Pokemon that might get on your nerves, and any other move you believe you might need.

Can Gallade learn Perish Song?

Out of the many many many moves Gallade can learn, Perish Song can not be taught to Gallade. My Gallade is Po. I tried before I answered. :(

How do you get gallade with hypnosis?

Level kirlia lv50 then evolve it into gallade

Is Togekiss better than Gallade?

no way!!!!!!!!!!! Togekiss is only a normail type wich means it would be naturally weaker and Gallade is a Physic so it is much stronger it can use phsyic moves when its paralized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!